Today's thought is taken from Eph 5:26 "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word".
I know this verse is used in weddings and as a description about God's church but there is also a deeper principle that is sometimes overlooked. That principle is that God's word has the ability to cleanse. Most importantly, it has the ability to cleanse the inside as well as the outside!
People who do not live for God will become tainted by this world and its ideologies. Basically it makes them dirty. Their minds and souls are deeply affected. Many times folks won't be able to describe their need but the truth is they are unclean. This uncleanness causes much discomfort and will even effect behavior and demeanor.
Have you ever worked really hard on a hot day, sweating profusely? By the end of the day you feel downright disgusting and want nothing more than a shower to rid yourself of the filth and stench. In this situation both the problem and the solution are easy to recognize. Spiritual filthiness isn't as easy to recognize, especially if the dirty person is surrounded by multitudes of other dirty people.
This is where you and the Word come in. God's word has been given to us, like a soapy sponge. Sometimes the person will take the sponge out of our hand and use it themselves but many times we have to apply the sponge for them. This is one of the many powers of His word. It has the ability to wash away the filth of ungodliness from a soul. It brings a fresh sweetness to the soul, regardless of its current eternal condition. They may not be ready to fully remedy the need of their soul, but they will always want some kind of relief; albeit temporary. This is why so many turn to coping mechanisms like drugs, sex, and alcohol.
This is so true. Bro. Mart Samons referred to prayer being like a shower, cleansing the mind of all the clutter gained through the day. My mind can become so full that it's easy to forget priorities! Reminds me of Mark 6:52 and Bro. Ed Wilson's message "Jesus walked on the water." They forgot a great miracle because they were stirred up with the people! Jesus remained focused. He helped the disciples regain their focus, too. He does the same for us. Thanks for the post.