Thursday, November 14, 2013

Doors, Doors, Doors Open a plenty.

Oh that we would allow the Lord to open our eyes to see them around us. As I write this I am also actively engaged in a text conversation with an unsaved person who has a parent that is a preacher. It all started with friendly conversation where I was given opportunity to demonstrate that I genuinely cared. The particular individual tends to be reticent and introverted, but God has allowed this person to develop a trust with me. As a result we are able to grow as friends and I am also able to demonstrate the Love of God.

A couple examples from this last week and a half.

At the start of the school year I felt the Lord wanted me to start a leadership training with a couple of young men at my school. So, I went to each one individually and invited them to have lunch with me each Thursday. The Lord has given me 3 young men to work with and teach biblical principles! The door was opened because I followed God's leading to go knock on the doors.

I was able to open a gym to play basketball. I sent out texts to several former students as well as some unsaved friends. During the course of the night I was able to have several conversations with many different people. Each time I was able to remind them of past truth I have taught or lived before them, or encourage them to consider the things of God. One of them actually called me and asked me to pray for them!

A close friend of mine is having difficulty with a past relationship. I was able to talk with him and assure him that I would be praying for God to fix the situation.

My daughter woke up the other day and told me that she had a dream about a former student of mine. I plan to use that as my opening when I speak to this young man. I don't have his phone number but I plan to chase it down.

Some Keys to Seeing an Open Door:
  • Listen to what people are saying. Jesus is the master problem solver. If there is someone who has problems don't be afraid to talk to them about it.
  • Engage in conversation & listen to what they are saying. What they say will show where they are.
  • Act upon what the Lord impresses you with. A spontaneous thought about someone is all you need. It is truly simple to open a conversation by saying, "I was thinking of you. How are things going?" I'm a little more bold and usually use, "The Lord put you on my heart and I want to pray for you. How would you like me to pray?"
  • Don't be afraid to knock, even if it is the "wrong" door. You won't go to hell trying to share the love of God with someone. In fact, you may see doors open that you didn't even know where a possibility. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Open Doors

Doors are what people have around their hearts. They are a defense mechanism that is required to keep one's self from being hurt. Saved and unsaved people have them just the same.
When it comes to sharing the gospel we can't stand outside and shout. It does not work, in fact it causes alarm to whoever is on the other side. How would you feel if someone showed up to your house adn started shouting things through the door? How much worse would it be if you were alone inside? Or if it was dark and stormy outside?

To be effective at sharing the gospel we would do well to learn how to get others to "open the door." Ultimately  it is God who opens the door and we are to seek His counsel on the matter, but there are things He teaches us in this area. Here are a few things I have learned from the Lord.

Don't be afraid to share your heart. Open doors beget open doors. When you are willing to show your vulnerability it has an affect that causes others to do the same.

Just be friendly. So many doors are opened because you act in such a way that people are compelled to be around you. Remember, Jesus was a nice person who was motivated on helping others without seeking His own benfit.

Use prayer as the tool it was intended to be. Prayer changes things, even in the lives of the unsaved. When talking with people they will eventually share a concern or problem. Use that as a means to gain entrance. Let them know you will be praying about the situation.

Leave the door open! If I ever tell someone I am going to pray for them or their situationI always ask, "Would it be ok if I check back with you ......" I can't recall a single time a person has said no. This allows me access in the future.

Every person is complicated and not all doors are open within them. There is usually an "outer" door opened in casual conversation. As they get to know you, that is trust you, more doors will be opened. The length of time this takes depends of what God is diong. It can take a couple of mins or several years. Only God knows when a soul is ready and it is our job to be in unity with his knowledge.

Another way to get a door open is to find some common ground. When people talk they will eventually share about themselves, their life, their likes/dislikes, frustrattions, etc.... They key is to listen to what they are saying and find something you both can agree about or a common experience. For example.
     As a kid I was very angry and would easily get into fights. I recall a time when I saw one kid being harrassed by three kids. The injustice kindled my anger and eventually led me to beat up the biggest of the 3 bullies. Since that time I have learned how God will be my defense and I need not take matters into my own hands. So, now when I talk with people who are upset about some injustice I can relate to how they feel inside. I know those feelings intimately and often describe them to the other person.
    At some point in the conversation I share with them a better solution, in Jesus.

We could go on and on, but I want to hear your thoughts, replies, questions, or experiences.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Test Run on Studying the Word

Karissa had a really good comment on the last post, which prompted my lengthy response. (Sorry, I guess it is just the teacher/preacher in me coming out) Any how, I thought it might be good to do a little practice. So here is the question I want you to consider and study.

Is Jesus the only way for someone to be saved?

You should know before you start to answer. Yes, no, or maybe is not enough. I need some real substance to your response. I'm going to act just like some of the people I have run across.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Points 7 & 8

7) That we speak in a way that enhances someone's life (salt)
     When working with people, especially unsaved, it is imperative to remember that your words and actions have value. When you are truly listening to God and obeying His lead it can be no other way. Peter declared this when he said, "...thou hast the words of eternal life." Guess what? If you yield(open) your mouth to the Lord He has promised to fill it. In our gluttonous mindset this usually means we will get something exclusively for ourselves (our spiritual benefit) but give your mind opportunity to expand. If you allow God to fill your mouth then you possess the words of eternal life! Can you think of anything more valuable. This is what it means to speak being seasoned with salt.
    Salt enhances the flavor of food and it is a preservative. Meditate on these two concepts. Think about them before you start talking with someone. You will see God transform your interactions with the unsaved. There is something about it that draws people. This world is full of people looking for opportunities to better themselves. Seldom do we find one who is genuinely trying to better another's life without the hope of their own personal gain. This is the daily reality for the unsaved.
   There is such a thing as too much salt :)  This is when you appear fake.Don't reach to "find" something nice to say. Seek the Lord and He will give you truth to speak that meets that person's needs. Often it may be a compliment, but it can just as easily be a rebuke (Proverbs 27:5).

8) That we may have knowledge to answer the questions of life
     I'm going to be very real here but I trust in a loving manner. This is where many of us lack. It is way too easy to be busy with school,work, video games, computer activities, social media, internet surfing, reading news, listening to music, leisure reading, any hobby, and I could continue the list but I think we get the idea. I'm not against these things nor am I saying drop them all and change. What I am saying is, "Don't let them get in your way from learning answers to the questions that challenge and perplex you."
    I find Christians tend to shy away from really sharing the gospel with the most needy because they are afraid of the questions they might face. The solution is rather simple. Turn down the "me time" and dig into the Word. It is one thing to read the bible and another to actually study it. When you study it you are opening yourself up to personal revelation from God. At the same time you are obtaining ammo against alternate view points, which are the heart of these questions.Don't be afraid to say, "I've never considered that and can't give you an adequate answer. Would it be possible that I could have some time to study that and get back to you?"
    Remember, this world places great emphasis on knowledge. The unsaved are working from this mindset. The wisdom of God far exceeds what man has to offer. If you are going to get this wisdom you are going to have to put in the work required to obtain it. Once you get it you will have to share if you expect God to grant you more (Matthew 25:23 & Luke 19:10-26).

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Points 5 & 6

5) That we would use our time prudently (not waste it).

Time. The greatest commodity we are granted, yet so often taken for granted. Even as I write this I am reminded of how quick it can end when I consider what happened with Devon on Tuesday. You only have a short period of time here and then it is over. The works we perform is what will be judged in the end. This prayer is supposed to turn our minds towards "being about" our "father's business." This is why I am encouraging you to seek God in prayer about how you can use your time to work for Him. 
This also includes knowing who we talk to and for what amount of time. The devil will gladly take your time with "good" things. I can recall several times I cast pearls before swine who really had no regard for what I was sharing. It is possible to "spin your wheels" discussing or debating religious ideas. This usually manifests itself in a doctrine "tit for tat" where people argue back in forth one scripture for another.
     A good way to assess how you spend your time with someone is to seriously think about the results as well as how you feel afterwards.If you feel angry, upset, proud, and hopeless for the other person(s) chances are you have been wasting your time. Doing God's work is tiring but fulfilling, satisfying, and fills us with hope. I'm not saying you won't experience doubts about your effectiveness, but I tell you to patiently look at the results. Are the people you sharing with moving toward or away from God? It's truly that simple. Either they are moving closer to God or further away. Patiently endure.Be diligent in your efforts for God. It will bring fruit in due season.

6) That we speak in a way that treats others better than they deserve

This deals with how we communicate. It is too easy to talk "down" at people because they don't see it like we do. It is best to follow the path that Jesus set before us. He was firm with those that openly rejected him, yet so loving and encouraging to those who were truly seeking to know God. Think about Zacheus, and others who were clearly living in error yet had a desire to see Jesus. Jesus' speech caused them to feel something deep within. For the first time in his life, Zacheus felt respected and that brought hope.
    We live in a time period where people are not genuinely respectful of one another. There is a general selfish tone to our modern world. Even more, many people settle into a routine based on who they think they are. The result is what governs their actions, thoughts, even their concept of who they are. All of this is shaped by a defeated god, called satan. Is it no wonder they act, talk, and think they way they do. They live in a defeated world view. We only compound their dilemma when we talk down to them, or speak in an offensive tone. Let us not hinder the power of the gospel by tainting it with poor speech. May we learn to speak hope and blessings into the lives of others.

Here are a few examples of some things I have shared with people:
"You are too smart to believe in evolution."
"God made you more special than some animal."
"I know you don't think you can...... but I can see where God has blessed you with......."

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Points 3 & 4

I know I said I was going to write about the others sooner, but I usually wait until I get at least one comment before doing another post. That way folks actually have time to read it and react/respond. I am more interested in responses than what I write ;)

That being said let's highlight the next two points from Col 4.

"3) That we could speak with His authority rather than my own"

It is too easy to look at a situation and think we know what is going on. It is just as easy to not share our faith because we don't know what to say or who to say it to. This is because we rely on our own authority and not God's. If you take the time to ask God who to speak to and what to say He will answer your prayer.
One particular time, I was praying for a man dying from Lou Gehrig's. During that time, the Lord burdened me with a strong desire to visit this man. The day I was supposed to meet with him (keeping in mind I had only met him 1 time, 18 years ago) God woke me up and shared with me 2 specific questions the man had. God also gave me answers to share with the man when I met with him later that day. When we go with God's authority there is a tremendous amount of courage that goes with you.

4) That we would enact the wisdom we have gained

Have you ever been in a situation where you failed or made a huge mistake? What is even more frustrating is to hear someone say, "Oh, I could have told you that wouldn't work." We usually reply by saying, "Then why didn't you tell me before I did ......" When you are the one failing you can easily get frustrated at those who hold back information vital to your success. Imagine how you would feel if your teacher told you there was a test in two weeks but never went out of their way to help you learn,maybe even just sitting at their desk. Sad to say, but this is what most Christians do. Living for God, experiencing trials and hardships teach you things about yourself and God. Rather than "sit at your desk" (just hanging around church folks/activities) get up and teach some one who continues to fail. You have learned some valuable lessons in your experiences with God. Share the wisdom.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Col 4:1-6

I want to use this post to highlight some things God has shown me as it pertains to sharing the gospel, which is, the main thrust of this prayer. Too often we think sharing the gospel/witnessing is simply having the courage to speak to others. I have learned to pray long before that time arrives. We are encouraged to pray:
1) That God would create the opportunity
2) That we could explain the mystery of the gospel
3) That we could speak with His authority rather than my own
4) That we would enact the wisdom we have gained
5) That we would use our time prudently (not waste it).
6) That we speak in a way that treats others better than they deserve
7) That we speak in a way that enhances someone's life (salt)
8) That we may have knowledge to answer the questions of life

1) Oh how important it is that God creates the opportunity. (I kings 3:7-9, Psalms 127:1, John 6:44) It is possible for us to create our own "opportunity." This is what leads us to the place of doubt, being timid even scared, and sometimes frustrated thinking, "I am not meant for this." There is a courage that come from knowing that God created the opportunity.

2) Understand the gospel is a mystery. As a believer and follower of Christ you understand the mystery, but the lost do not. Have you ever looked at white puffy clouds and saw a representation of something else, like a lion, elephant, or dog? Then you tell a person to look at the clouds and see what you see, only to hear and watch them not see it. This is an analogy of what it means to understand the mystery. You have to see it first before you can "show"it to someone else. Note: It isn't enough just to see it. We are asking God to help us to explain it. That means pointing out the details so those who don't see it can have their eyes opened.

I will continue with the other 6 during this week. Each of these could be a sermon in their own right so I want give time and space for each. I welcome your comments, questions, or experiences.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

That God Would Grant

Last post we watched a testimony of an Atheist named Penn. The purpose of the video was to get you to understand the power of the gospel and to grant a little reprimand, if even from one who opposes your message. It isn't often that your enemy prompts you to action.

We also talked about prayer. This post I want to point you scripture. My expectation is that you read Colossians 4:1-6. After reading this, my desire is that you pray that prayer in your own life. I look forward to your comments regarding the meaning of this scripture and/or what God is doing in your life concerning this prayer.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Working on the Great Commission

In an effort to continue what we began at Monark, I will be using this blog to share some things the Lord has shown me over the years. The main thrust is to give each reader some practical tools to assist them in fulfilling the great commission of reaching the lost souls that flounder around us every day.

As mentioned before, we must first be a partaker of salvation ourselves otherwise your testimony has no value. The next important key is prayer.
 This can not be over-stated. This is where most of soul winning work is accomplished.  It is best to begin praying for yourself. Here are a few things to ask for:
1) A divine revelation of love
2) Compassion for the lost
3) A divine revelation of hell
4) Ability to recognize God's voice/leadings
5) Boldness
6) Courage
7) Patience

I think this is a good place to start with your prayer life.  When you start praying for yourself and allow God to start changing you into His image you will start to learn a key to winning souls. It isn't about molding "the lost" into your image or even thinking like you. It is about getting them connected to Jesus Christ. If you can introduce them to the real essence of Jesus you have done your job.

There is so much to talk about but I'm trying to keep each post short. My request is that you begin praying and watch this video.

I would like to discuss your reactions to the video. Here are a few thoughts to consider:
What was you reaction?
What statement impacted you the most?
What did you agree or disagree with?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Isaiah 30:29

"Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD, to the mighty One of Israel."

Have you ever stopped to think what seven words make a birthday party special?  I'll give you a hint. It is a song with the person's name inserted. That song's ability to make a person feel special is a testament to why it has been a tradition for over a century.

There is power in music and especially in song. Songs have the ability to conjure up almost any emotion.  Back when I was courting my wife I chose a song that captured my feelings toward her, in an effort to express my love and devotion to her. This is exactly what God is promising here, to extend His love and devotion to you through song.

Jesus clearly taught only one doctrine would unify God's people, but God did not promise only one song. Songs are deeply connected to emotions and extremely personal. God is personal with you, hence His promise of a song that uniquely expresses His desires to you.

This promise was written for those who were experiencing great hardship and was meant to bring them consolation. The next time you feel the world crashing around you, stop and listen. God has just the right song for the moment.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jerimiah 30:21

"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

Remember high school math class? The few times you actually understood what was going on made it a great experience. Those glimpses of enlightenment almost actually made the whole experience worthwhile, almost.As a high school math teacher, I witness students experiencing this on a regular basis. Despite my animated or theatrical explanations, peer presentations, or countless technological tools, there are times when students just don't get it. This always prompts a one-on-one conversation.

Life can be very similar to math class. Often we are frustrated with a desire to please God but having no clue how to do so. God understood that and thus He gave this promise. Like any good teacher, God is active in your life and is watching you "practice." When you don't know what to do, He is promising to behind your back and gently give proper instruction.

What a blessed thought to know you, as an individual, are worthy of God's undivided attention! What a comfort to know God is standing over you prepared to ensure you are going the right way,doing the right thing. The only question is, Are you listening?