Doors are what people have around their hearts. They are a defense mechanism that is required to keep one's self from being hurt. Saved and unsaved people have them just the same.
When it comes to sharing the gospel we can't stand outside and shout. It does not work, in fact it causes alarm to whoever is on the other side. How would you feel if someone showed up to your house adn started shouting things through the door? How much worse would it be if you were alone inside? Or if it was dark and stormy outside?
To be effective at sharing the gospel we would do well to learn how to get others to "open the door." Ultimately it is God who opens the door and we are to seek His counsel on the matter, but there are things He teaches us in this area. Here are a few things I have learned from the Lord.
Don't be afraid to share your heart. Open doors beget open doors. When you are willing to show your vulnerability it has an affect that causes others to do the same.
Just be friendly. So many doors are opened because you act in such a way that people are compelled to be around you. Remember, Jesus was a nice person who was motivated on helping others without seeking His own benfit.
Use prayer as the tool it was intended to be. Prayer changes things, even in the lives of the unsaved. When talking with people they will eventually share a concern or problem. Use that as a means to gain entrance. Let them know you will be praying about the situation.
Leave the door open! If I ever tell someone I am going to pray for them or their situationI always ask, "Would it be ok if I check back with you ......" I can't recall a single time a person has said no. This allows me access in the future.
Every person is complicated and not all doors are open within them. There is usually an "outer" door opened in casual conversation. As they get to know you, that is trust you, more doors will be opened. The length of time this takes depends of what God is diong. It can take a couple of mins or several years. Only God knows when a soul is ready and it is our job to be in unity with his knowledge.
Another way to get a door open is to find some common ground. When people talk they will eventually share about themselves, their life, their likes/dislikes, frustrattions, etc.... They key is to listen to what they are saying and find something you both can agree about or a common experience. For example.
As a kid I was very angry and would easily get into fights. I recall a time when I saw one kid being harrassed by three kids. The injustice kindled my anger and eventually led me to beat up the biggest of the 3 bullies. Since that time I have learned how God will be my defense and I need not take matters into my own hands. So, now when I talk with people who are upset about some injustice I can relate to how they feel inside. I know those feelings intimately and often describe them to the other person.
At some point in the conversation I share with them a better solution, in Jesus.
We could go on and on, but I want to hear your thoughts, replies, questions, or experiences.
I enjoy this website-it gets me thinking. Just today we (our congregation) got some good feedback on a little 'Children's Church' we have been doing for quite awhile. One of the little children that go there told their great-grandma that she liked the other Bible programs that she also goes to, but she said that they just read the Bible, and at Children's Church, we actually explain the stories also. She said that she actually was understanding the lessons. Being a shy girl, would that be considered one of those doors?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely. So many things are open doors. The fact that the little girl is willing to talk about how she feels and what she likes is evidence of the door being open. May God bless your work & may you be inspired to continue in well doing.
DeleteI, like Karissa enjoy this website. This post got me thinking '' What have I been doing''. And I think that is what a lot of us are asking ourselves when we seem to be making no headway. I try to be a good friend and a godly influence but still feel hesitant. This post reminded me that God works in His time and He uses us in His own time. I just need to remain open to God's leading. This post also made me think to always say ''Hear am I, Lord. Send me''. Sis. Angela Gellenbeck wrote in the faith and victory,"It takes starting when you are young, offering yourself, giving up yourself wholeheartedly to whatever and wherever the Lord will lead you. Its going through the many processes of life- tribulations and hardships and disappointments- that give you experience where you can say positively to others, "God can do this for you'' ". I pray the Lord will lead me and help me to have that kind of relationship. And I think we all need to pray that we will know when God opens a door for us.
ReplyDeleteAmen. It is equally important that we pray God show us what door to knock on. Many doors are closed and remain so, simply because nobody ever takes the time to knock on the door. one takes the time to knock on the door.... so true!
DeleteOne thing I will mention. I have been tempted to be very hurt by doors that were opened and then ultimately closed in my face. When you choose to do God's work, there might be times that people still reject Christ. Don't take it personally, because that will discourage you more than anything else & then future doors God leads you to knock on will scare you more than anything else - you don't want to feel that hurt and rejection again. But when God leads, maybe while the door is open, He will have you say something/do something that will leave HIS mark INSIDE the door of their hearts, even after the door seems to slam shut.
Gal_6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.