Saturday, October 5, 2013

Points 7 & 8

7) That we speak in a way that enhances someone's life (salt)
     When working with people, especially unsaved, it is imperative to remember that your words and actions have value. When you are truly listening to God and obeying His lead it can be no other way. Peter declared this when he said, "...thou hast the words of eternal life." Guess what? If you yield(open) your mouth to the Lord He has promised to fill it. In our gluttonous mindset this usually means we will get something exclusively for ourselves (our spiritual benefit) but give your mind opportunity to expand. If you allow God to fill your mouth then you possess the words of eternal life! Can you think of anything more valuable. This is what it means to speak being seasoned with salt.
    Salt enhances the flavor of food and it is a preservative. Meditate on these two concepts. Think about them before you start talking with someone. You will see God transform your interactions with the unsaved. There is something about it that draws people. This world is full of people looking for opportunities to better themselves. Seldom do we find one who is genuinely trying to better another's life without the hope of their own personal gain. This is the daily reality for the unsaved.
   There is such a thing as too much salt :)  This is when you appear fake.Don't reach to "find" something nice to say. Seek the Lord and He will give you truth to speak that meets that person's needs. Often it may be a compliment, but it can just as easily be a rebuke (Proverbs 27:5).

8) That we may have knowledge to answer the questions of life
     I'm going to be very real here but I trust in a loving manner. This is where many of us lack. It is way too easy to be busy with school,work, video games, computer activities, social media, internet surfing, reading news, listening to music, leisure reading, any hobby, and I could continue the list but I think we get the idea. I'm not against these things nor am I saying drop them all and change. What I am saying is, "Don't let them get in your way from learning answers to the questions that challenge and perplex you."
    I find Christians tend to shy away from really sharing the gospel with the most needy because they are afraid of the questions they might face. The solution is rather simple. Turn down the "me time" and dig into the Word. It is one thing to read the bible and another to actually study it. When you study it you are opening yourself up to personal revelation from God. At the same time you are obtaining ammo against alternate view points, which are the heart of these questions.Don't be afraid to say, "I've never considered that and can't give you an adequate answer. Would it be possible that I could have some time to study that and get back to you?"
    Remember, this world places great emphasis on knowledge. The unsaved are working from this mindset. The wisdom of God far exceeds what man has to offer. If you are going to get this wisdom you are going to have to put in the work required to obtain it. Once you get it you will have to share if you expect God to grant you more (Matthew 25:23 & Luke 19:10-26).


  1. about point 8- what are some pointers on how to study God's Word and get answers?

  2. When it comes to study, like anything with the Lord, you must begin with prayer. As you read the word it is helpful to have a Strong's concordance. In the old days, we actually had to buy the book, now you can find it online with a simple google search. This will give you both the Hebrew and Greek definitions of words. Remember the Old testament was written in Hebrew while the new was written in Greek.
    The other thing that helps when studying the Word is to know the historical background. This will force you to consider outside sources of information. This is why it is important to have a solid biblical understanding because you will run into many things when searching for historical information. You have to know how to recognize an author's bias. I tend to check a factual statement by looking at 2 or 3 other sources to verify as a fact rather than an opinion.
    There are old and modern writers that have supplied us with tons of information. As you gather more of this info, you will deepen your appreciation for God and His infinite wisdom. It will also equip you to handle some of the more difficult questions many unbelievers have.
    Lastly, I would caution you to start with the easier things. Make a list of things you believe. Then start looking into the Word to find scripture that supports your belief. The same principles you use to understand the "easier" things are the same principles used to understand the "more difficult" things.
