Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Romans 8:28

"And we know that everything works together for the good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose."

This promise is one that is not realized without faith. In life we face many hardships and difficult circumstances and our human ways of thinking leave us to believe God has disappeared while we are being destroyed. It is possible for a child of God to be courageous during these times if they have faith to believe that God is in control.

A greater blessing stemming from this promise is an assurance that everything that happens in my life is for my benefit. This thought alone gives me a weapon to fight bitterness towards God for what bad things might come my way. Too often we are taught to look out for “Number 1” because everyone else is out to take advantage of us. What a contrast to know that God is continually looking out for our best interests, even while we sleep!

I personally have found this verse to provide power over the enemy when he brings thoughts to my mind about how God is “unfair.” You can search the entire Bible and never find that God promises “fair.” However, we can see God exceeds the idea of “fairness” as he promises to always work according to our benefit.

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