“He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.”
God has promised to be your spinach! As a child I watched too many Popeye cartoons where he would be beat down by Brutus, or the Seahag’s goons. Whenever Popeye tried in his own strength, he had limited success and neared complete defeat, until he ate a can of spinach. The theme music would start, Popeye instantly had bulging muscles, and he quickly dispatched the bad guys with kicks and punches.
Possibly you have visions of Hulk Hogan laying on the wrestling mat, seemingly having had all his life choked out by his opponent. The referee would raise his hand only to watch it collapse to the canvas. Once. Twice. Raised a third time, the hand began to fall indicating defeat. No. Wait! Wait! His hand is shaking, twisting, throbbing as if infused with unheard of power. Immediately, Hulk Hogan gets out of trouble and disposes of his opponent to retain his title as champion.
Both childhood memories serve as a silly, but true, picture of what God promises His children. Are you faint? Beat down? Do you face situations or circumstances that appear hopeless? God has something for you. It isn’t literal spinach and you won’t get to beat people up, but He has a power that will allow you to do His will. Anytime you lack power, energy, or mental and emotional fortitude to do the right thing remember God has promised the power.
I also want to caution you about accomplishing His will. Power is the ability to do work. The key word is ability. You are going to have to exercise faith and do something with the power God gives if you expect to see any results.
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