Tuesday, March 1, 2011

James 4:8

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded."

During my childhood I used to visit a makeshift dump about 1 mile behind our house. One of my favorite activities was to rummage through the dump looking for things to destroy with my hammer. I was, and unashamedly still am, fond of the sound of breaking glass. In the midst of all my destruction I discovered magnets, compliments of some broken speakers.

When I got back to the house I would spend hours playing with magnets and broken pieces of metal. The most vivid memory is how the little shreds of metal stood at attention and eagerly “scooted” towards the magnet when I brought it close. The slightest movement towards the scraps of metal would propel them into the magnetic force field where they inevitably became stuck on the magnet.

This is what God is promising you. If you will point your magnet in His direction, He will “scoot” Himself towards you so that you can be joined together. It is just like when two magnets are slowly moved towards each other. There is an initial action by your hands and then the gravitational force takes affect. God promises to provide a force if you will only make a move in His direction.

Pay special attention to the fact that God is not asking you to create the gravitational force. He has promised to take care of that. There doesn’t have to be good feelings for this to work. There are times when you are embarrassed or ashamed, thus you do not “feel” like God even wants to be around you. This promise hinges on obedience, not feelings. He simply said, If you will just look my way, I will come running yours.

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