Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jeremiah 18:4-6

"And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.[5] Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying,[6] O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel."

Have you ever felt like God has no concern for you? Maybe you have even thought God was disappointed because you have made a wreck of your life. I want to assure you that even if God is not pleased with your current status He is still willing and able to fix your situation.

As a child I was rambunctious and gave myself little challenges. One particular time I was fascinated with jumping, so I decided to jump as high as I could to see if I could brush my head on the ceiling. After several “not even close” attempts I wanted to see if I could at least get as high as the light on the ceiling fan. I decided to jump next to it because I did not want to hit it. Well, the crash of glass, that used to be around the bulb, revealed my miscalculation, shame and embarressment. My mom’s immediate arrival only compounded my shame.

After making sure I was not injured, she asked, “What happened?” I really didn’t want to answer that. I had been an idiot and admitting it publicly seemed a little too much. When I explained, she simply laughed and then began to clean up. The next day there was a new glass fixture over the bulb. It was if nothing had gone wrong.

In Jeremiah we see a scene where a life (vessel) was wrecked. God (potter) simply remade the life. Notice there was no complaint but rather patient love. How is your life? Do you realize no amount of marring is too difficult for God. No matter how many years it has been marred God can still make it new. Are you willing to answer God’s question, “What happened?” If so, God will make a new vessel out of you.


  1. I've been thinking a lot about God's promises, too. I think we need to remind ourselves that He is faithful to keep His promises. We tend to wuss-out a lot. I know I do.

  2. Absolutely rt. They definately give us hope and make it clear that God cares about our daily activities. I honestly believe God is trying to build up pur faith just as He did for Abraham.

    I used to wonder in amazement at his willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac. When I studied Abraham's life the Lord showed me how he built/authored Abraham's faith one small event at a time. Over several years God promised Abraham something, then made it come to pass. Gradually He increased the faith until Abraham was at a point where he could trust God with his only son. I hope to get there one promise at a time.
