Monday, April 5, 2010

Revelations 1:17

"And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:"

Much can be written about what it will be like to see Jesus face to face. I anticipate many emotions washing over my soul, but the reality is there is a great deal of the unknown. That is precisely why the Lord said "Fear not." He knows our feeble minds are susceptible to many of the devil's cunningly devised lies that are designed to elicit fear of what we don't know. It is important to note that He did not promise he would explain the unknown, but rather He simply promised there would be a place of safety where we could live without fear.

The Lord further validates His promise be letting us know He is going before and bringing up the rear. It reminds me of the times my friends and I would walk through the desert at night. I was afraid to be the first because I knew many potential dangers lay out there under the guise of darkness. Besides washes, holes, and cacti, there was always the posibility of a rattle snake, scorpion, or coyote presenting itself with all of its dangers; any of which could cause death. It was always my policy to "allow" my friends to go first so I had time to evade any danger they may have stumbled upon.

It was also my policy to be sure I wasn't last. The last guy always has the creepy feeling of something sneeking up from behind. Since I had no idea what could happen or what was out there, my mind never lacked imagination to create many horrific scenes. As a result of these natural fears I made sure I walked in the middle of the pack. Here I was certain somebody else would "get it" before I did and I could then learn from their mistakes. Well, Jesus is promising you that you may walk in just such a place. He will go before you to make sure the way is clear and safe (I am the first). Just as impressive, He has also promised to protect you from suprise attacks from behind (and the last).

The key to realizing this promise is be certain you are following Jesus. When you are in unknown territory and you begin to experience fear, ask yourself "Can I see Jesus going before me or am I following a crowd?" The answer can lead you to that place of safety.


  1. Awesome...especially, the last two paragraphs. I fear I try to take the lead too much; I've got to learn to hang back and allow Christ to lead.

  2. Thanks rt. There really is a delicate balance between allowing Him to lead and being just plain lazy. I, like you, am more inclined to "git-r-done" as well.

  3. Thank you for posting!!! Our family is really enjoying your thoughts!!! This one especially hit me!!!

  4. Thanks Don...just what I needed!

  5. Thanks be to God. I am grateful He is blessing you all.
