Thursday, June 24, 2010

Psalms 23:4

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

As a little kid, did you ever walk outside in the dark, alone? I used to do this a lot as a kid. How well I remember the trees turning into creatures determined to gobble me up. Sometimes I would imagine dangerous people hiding, waiting for an opportunity, to “get me.” These are just a few of the “evils” my mind was able to imagine; all of which disturbed my state of mind. Strangely enough, I never felt scared when I walked these dark paths with my dad.

When a person is facing death there is a similar experience. There is something about the unknown that excites our worst imaginations. Did you know God understands? That is why He has promised you, in advance, that you will be able to walk that lonesome path without fear. Notice that He didn’t promise to remove death, its darkness, and all its unknowns, but He has promised that he would be with you. Just as my father walked dark paths with me as a kid, so too will God himself walk that path with you; providing you safety and security.

This whole promise hinges on one important condition. To whom do you belong? Shepherds used a rod/staff to count their sheep as they passed through the narrow door into the pen. Only sheep owned by the shepherd passed under his rod. These are the people who have asked Jesus to forgive their sins. These are the people God has promised to walk beside, even in the valley of death. Are you in the place where you can claim this promise?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ephesians 4:1

“I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you the ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, ”

Have you ever wondered what you are supposed to do with your life? Undoubtedly every person will be forced to wrestle with this question. Millions of people battle this same issue, even after deciding a career path. Often it is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and unrest.

Thousands have decided to change career paths because they have felt like their job gave them no sense of satisfaction. Hidden in this verse is a sweet confirmation for every person. God has given you a vocation, which is a calling. He has chosen and equipped you to do something important in this world.

Finding your vocation is not done by taking aptitude and personality surveys. The secret is to be willing to perform whatever work God calls you to. You will also need to remain flexible because He may call you to do more than one thing.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

James 1:5

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”
Do you know the answer to every question in life? My guess is you have been stumped often over the course of your life. There are simple everyday events, which you struggle with to find the right decision for, but this promise is much more than that. This promise enables us to have peace with more pressing issues like, “What happens when I die? Where will I spend eternity? What is God pleased with? How do I truly love my enemies?” These are a few of many important issues.

When I was a kid I often got on people’s nerves because I always asked questions. I was an inquisitive kid who wanted to know how, why, and what if. There are many memories of various adults growing impatient with my incessant questioning. I especially enjoy the part of this promise where God will give “liberally” to all who ask. That tells me that God doesn’t grow impatient with my questions. He is well able to answer them and much more that I haven’t even thought about yet.

I have known people who will not ask questions because they were afraid of being ridiculed for their lack of knowledge. This is often the biggest cause for students to be silent in a classroom setting. They are afraid to admit what they do not know. Did you know that it is safe to admit to God you don’t know something? He won’t upbraid you even if he has told you the answer before!

Understand something very important. God has promised you wisdom in all that you will face in life. He has also promised not to “beat you up” because you did not know. Do you still have unanswered questions? You know where to find the answer. What are you waiting for? Go claim your promise.

Friday, June 11, 2010

II Corithnians 7:6

“Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus;”

Have you ever had one of those days where the cold, wind, or rain sank into your bones and try as you may you just couldn’t get warm? It reminds me of the time I rode 10 miles home from school in the back of an El Camino. At first it seemed like a great idea with huge potential for excitement, but my hopes were dashed, soaked rather, by a torrential Arizona monsoon shower. My rain-soaked clothes further chilled the wind that battered my body. It was as if I stepped into a frozen wind tunnel designed to flash freeze my entire body.

When we got home I stiffly hobbled into the house to disrobe and put on some dry clothes. Within a few minutes I was huddled under my warmest blanket trying to defrost internal organs. I have never forgot how great it felt to regain feeling in my body, even better was the feeling of warmth. Life can be very cold at times. People and circumstances blow relentlessly upon our lives trying to freeze our mood, physical well-being, attitudes, and emotions. Do you have areas in your life that are trapped in a deep-freeze? God has promised comfort that surpasses a warm blanket on a cold day.

The word “com” literally means to join. When we “com”municate were are joining our mind’s ideas to another mind. When God promises to “com” fort, He desires to join Himself to you so that you can be protected in His fort. There is no threat that God can’t protect you from if you simply come to His fort.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jeremiah 24:7

“And I will give them an Heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart.”

One secrete to a happy life is to be a person who is grateful for what you have. It is so easy to think “I earned this” or “I deserve that.” Society, especially American society, has a way of encouraging a sense of entitlement, which if left unchecked, can lead to an attitude towards God and his dealings with mankind.

Let’s just get this out in the open. You are not entitled to know who God is, nor understand and experience his blessings! To know God is his gift to you. Without his willingness to open your understanding there is no way you can comprehend him. Jesus stated it plainly when he said “ man cometh to the Father but by me.”

God created within you a heart that was capable of understanding him and his ways. This was done by his goodwill not because you deserved it. It is equally important to note that he may have given you the ability it is still your responsibility to exercise your will. If you find you lack understanding of who God is examine your will. God has given you the desire and means to experience him. Take time to understand that God has given you a heart, not just a mind, to know him. There is a vast difference between what a person believes in their mind verses their heart. Heart belief translates into resolute action.

Even greater, he has promised to be your God. I have the assurance that God will not reject me as I reach out to him. I do not have to be afraid of taking risks with him, because I know he is my God. This lets you know he knows who you are and what I face because I submit myself to be his property. As his property, you are under his watchful and loving care; He is your God!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Psalms 37:25

“I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”

The wisest man ever to live, Soloman, recognized an unwritten promise of God. Beside all the many benefits associated with being a child of God, his children can also enjoy the piece of mind concerning their livelihood. Today we live in a time where our society is losing its dignity. The dependence on welfare or blatant panhandling employed by many in America is troubling. Just as despicable is the lack of loyalty and integrity of large corporations out to improve the bottom line.

Functioning in a society like this can easily cause one to feel apprehensive. Do you ever think, “What is the point? They will probably fire me next.” Are you ever worried that you might not have the ability to provide for yourself? No need to worry. God has promised you that the righteous will be taken care of. They can retain their dignity because they will not be forced to beg.

This promise also lets me know that I don’t have to step on others to create financial gain. I don’t have to worry about who is trying to step on me either. If I live a righteous and godly life, God will see to it that I am taken care of. It may come in a way I did not expect but it will happen.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I John 4:19

“We love him, because he first loved us.”

I can’t recall when it first started, but my mom and I started a game of how to express our love for each other. It starts with, “I love you.” Invariably one of us will respond with, “I love you more.” Then it really starts, “I loved you first. I love you longer. I love you…” Imagine God starring at you saying, “I loved you first.” Then consider the fact that he has been in existence before time began.

A simple understanding of the gospel story is more than enough evidence of God’s love. No matter how much you try to let him know you love him, he loved you first. He even loved you when you did not love him in return. The thought in this promise reminds me of the chorus of a song. “Such love can not be fathomed, tis like the boundless sea.” God has already made the first move. All you need to do is respond to his promise of love.