Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jeremiah 24:7

“And I will give them an Heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart.”

One secrete to a happy life is to be a person who is grateful for what you have. It is so easy to think “I earned this” or “I deserve that.” Society, especially American society, has a way of encouraging a sense of entitlement, which if left unchecked, can lead to an attitude towards God and his dealings with mankind.

Let’s just get this out in the open. You are not entitled to know who God is, nor understand and experience his blessings! To know God is his gift to you. Without his willingness to open your understanding there is no way you can comprehend him. Jesus stated it plainly when he said “..no man cometh to the Father but by me.”

God created within you a heart that was capable of understanding him and his ways. This was done by his goodwill not because you deserved it. It is equally important to note that he may have given you the ability it is still your responsibility to exercise your will. If you find you lack understanding of who God is examine your will. God has given you the desire and means to experience him. Take time to understand that God has given you a heart, not just a mind, to know him. There is a vast difference between what a person believes in their mind verses their heart. Heart belief translates into resolute action.

Even greater, he has promised to be your God. I have the assurance that God will not reject me as I reach out to him. I do not have to be afraid of taking risks with him, because I know he is my God. This lets you know he knows who you are and what I face because I submit myself to be his property. As his property, you are under his watchful and loving care; He is your God!

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