Friday, June 11, 2010

II Corithnians 7:6

“Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus;”

Have you ever had one of those days where the cold, wind, or rain sank into your bones and try as you may you just couldn’t get warm? It reminds me of the time I rode 10 miles home from school in the back of an El Camino. At first it seemed like a great idea with huge potential for excitement, but my hopes were dashed, soaked rather, by a torrential Arizona monsoon shower. My rain-soaked clothes further chilled the wind that battered my body. It was as if I stepped into a frozen wind tunnel designed to flash freeze my entire body.

When we got home I stiffly hobbled into the house to disrobe and put on some dry clothes. Within a few minutes I was huddled under my warmest blanket trying to defrost internal organs. I have never forgot how great it felt to regain feeling in my body, even better was the feeling of warmth. Life can be very cold at times. People and circumstances blow relentlessly upon our lives trying to freeze our mood, physical well-being, attitudes, and emotions. Do you have areas in your life that are trapped in a deep-freeze? God has promised comfort that surpasses a warm blanket on a cold day.

The word “com” literally means to join. When we “com”municate were are joining our mind’s ideas to another mind. When God promises to “com” fort, He desires to join Himself to you so that you can be protected in His fort. There is no threat that God can’t protect you from if you simply come to His fort.


  1. It is especially nice considering the lousy weather we have been having, huh.
