Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Malachi 4:2

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as the calves of the stall.”

Praise God! He has promised to heal you and me. The healing that he has covers every aspect of your life. I have personally seen God answer prayer and perform miracles to people I know. Miracles just like the ones Jesus did when he was walking the earth. God’s power to heal in a miraculous manner has not diminished with time. James 5:16 encourages God’s people to pray for each other that they may be healed. Did you know God’s healing power is not limited to a physical body?

Imagine your emotions being likened unto the meat of a cow. A cow that has sustained a severe bodily injury has a natural reaction to fight off infection using chemicals within its body. These chemicals surround the bacteria to keep it from spreading, which results in a hardness of the meat. You can imagine how tough that meat would be years later. Contrast that meat with meat from a cow that spent its entire life lying in a barn stall. My cousin ate such a cow and bragged about how tender the meat was. He claimed it was full of flavor and the most tender meat he had ever eaten.

In this verse God has promised that we can be calves of the stall. This means our emotions can be tender despite what we have faced in life. You don’t have to harbor bad feelings and carry around hurts that make you appear “tough” to others. Like the natural chemicals within the cow you have devised a system of protection for your emotions, which has created hardness and scars. God promises to heal both your emotions and scars. You can be tender once again. A verse of a song captures it best, “There’s healing in Jesus. There’s a balm for each pain. The heart that has been broken can be made whole again.”


  1. This question is for anyone who feels led of the spirit to answer.

    If you know you need healing in a certain area in your life and God has even revealed it to you that you need healing, how do you get to the next step of the healing process? I have prayed for healing but nothing has come about of it. I have such a big "thorn" that is so deep and am so used to it being there that I fear that if I ask the Lord to heal me of this wound that it's going to hurt worse or even hurt at all for it to be pulled out of me. It started in childhood and I am now an adult so I've had this "wound" for so long that it's become a part of me. Maybe I'm just too fearful and need to get over my fear before I can be completely healed. ??

  2. There are a lot of people out there such as yourself. I am sorry for you're wound and I am praying that healing will come to you.

    First I like to say there are 2 healing processes. One is out of the body the other is in the body experiences.

    What must of us are experiencing is the out of the body type. That's where you pray and God brings healing to you. This out of the body type is, so to speak, a believer and a non-believer. In this type there isn't any apology for the cause of the wound. So God has to bring healing to you.

    In the body type is believer and believer. God has design a way for healing to take place in the body by spiritual means. Gal.6.1 Matt 6.23-24.

    This in the body healing is what God has set up for us as believers. God reconciled us back to himself so are we to do the same for others.

    I don't know your experenice but God knows it and he has heard your prayers. Your wound will be healed, because that's a promise of God's word.
