Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Isaiah 26:3

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.”

Really? Perfect peace? No matter what happens? YES! YES! YES! Oh how I know this to be true. Here God is making a simple yet profound promise based on one important detail. You can have peace in any event in life. There is no circumstance more powerful than God’s ability to grant you peace. Access hinges on your willingness to focus on God.

Peter, an apostle of Jesus, was able to literally walk on top of water because he trusted Jesus and focused his mind on Him. After walking a few steps Peter began to be distracted by the waves. This prompted him to lose focus on Jesus, thus he began to sink. If, like Peter, you start looking around at what is happening you will lose your peace and “sink”.

Recently, a large body of fellow ministers met to discuss some concerns and issues. Emotional overload, and a genuine lack of love was demonstrated by a few; resulting in a division of sorts. As news spread, the emotions of people within the church were charged causing more issues and problems. Some were deeply saddened, wondering what this would lead to.

At first I felt a heavy burden until I took it to the Lord in prayer. When praying for my fellow brethren, the Lord gently reminded me of where my focus needed to be. As I began to seek the Lord and not focus on the waves around me, I found a place of perfect peace. A peace that was so perfect that even my emotions were calmed. This has lasted only as long as I kept my mind on Jesus and His will for me. When I allow my mind to drift, thinking about what went wrong and how to fix it, my peace ebbs away and a feel myself sinking. Peace is restored when I refocus on the great I AM.

All of this reminds me of the old Capitol One credit card commercials where the hoard of armed criminals are charging forward, desiring to destroy some helpless woman. When she pulls out the Capitol One card its power stops the hoard in its tracks and she is safe. Then the question, “What’s in your wallet?” God is asking you, “What’s in your wallet?” Am I the focus of your life? If so, I will be your protection.


  1. I agree; I recently was reminded of who really is in control - GOD! That's who I need to focus on & that's who I am focused on. I want nothing else than to please HIM with my life, despite the waves around me. "The waves around may fiercely roll, They cannot harm my trusting soul, Regarding not what I may see, My faith, O Lord, ascends to Thee." I was in a song service recently where God gently reminded me just as He did right after President Obama was elected. Many people felt like it was the "end of the world" & didn't like the fact that he was elected, but God reminded me that HE was still in control - no matter who the president is.

    I want God to be my protection & my perfect peace, so I'll be praying that the Lord will help me keep HIM in my "wallet"! :) Thanks for the reminder.

  2. How amazing! I have been thinking on that same song verse for the past year.

    I am eternally thankful that HE can and will take care of it all. It sure makes life much more simple when you can limit what to focus on.

  3. Yes, it sure does make life more simple! (and yet, here's a rhetorical question: why is it always so difficult for humans to surrender control and the desire to think/do EVERYTHING?!) :)

  4. Don...I have stood and proven this promise true. Its as sure as gravity.

  5. Ken; I imagine you got a book to prove that gravity thing dont' ya :)
