"Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say."
Here we pick up part of a conversation between God and Moses. Like many of us, Moses was hiding behind his percieved limitations. It is painfully obvious God is not interested in your excuses. He is promising you and I, as He did Moses, that even our mouth can be empowered by Him.
This promise has a hidden condition. It implies that you are doing what God has called you to. Despite several years of serving the Lord I still get nervous when He calls me to speak on His behalf. Eventhogh He has shown me in multiple settings and circumstances, I am still awestruck at how He always has the right things to say.
The essence of this promise was emblazoned on my mind when He told me to appologize to my former boss. She was vindictive as well as subversive, which resulted in my disdain. I simply wanted to cut her off and enjoy my ill will towards her, but God had other plans.
When he first told me to talk to her I was like Moses and started in with all the reasons why I thought it was a waste of time. Once I got over the shock of realizing there was no getting around it I was nervous about what to say and how to say it. Having gone through that experience, I can honestly say God means what He's promised! I don't recall all that I said that day, but our tearful exchange left me with a definate witness of God's abilities.
Do you have a job to do for God? Are you concerned about what you will say? God has promised to give you words that speak life to those that hear you. Are you willing to trust Him?
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