Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hebrews 12:1

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”

Some promises are buried a little below the surface and that is exactly what we see in this verse. We know this is a promise because God never commands what we are not able to perform. The nugget we are going to mine out today has to do with the fact that we can let go.

During childhood I heard too many jokes, most of them being vulgar or racially motivated. One particular race was often the punch line of jokes indicating their lack of “intelligence.” This verse reminds me of the joke about the 3 people who were traveling across a hot desert. Each brought an item to help along their journey. The first two brought water and food, while the “dumb” one brought a car door; in case he got hot he would roll down the window.

The reality is we can be that foolish. There are times when we cling to emotional, physical, and mental baggage that serve no purpose to help on our journey. We “think” it will help, but really it is a hindrance. I am talking about the things in your life that make it difficult for you to truly be happy or at peace, yet they are things which you have no clear conviction from God to carry them around. God is telling you, “Let it go.”

God intends for His children to soar above the problems of this world that would weigh them down. Instead of flopping around like a wild bird that caught a plastic bag on its leg, which is wrapped around stick that has picked up a bunch of long wet grass, try stopping long enough to let Him close enough to set you free. You might make some progress bound but it is a lot easier if you are not carry around unnecessary weight. Do you ever feel spiritually worn out and don’t know why? Ask God and He will show you what you can drop.


  1. I have been enjoying catching up on all the posts! I don't think I've had time to visit this blog since coming back from my trip...

    I've read this verse so many times, but I was challenged by the words God gave you to go with the verse:

    "There are times when we cling to emotional, physical, and mental baggage that serve no purpose to help on our journey. We “think” it will help, but really it is a hindrance." AMEN. May the Lord help us all to "let it go"!
