Friday, December 31, 2010
Matthew 28:20
This verse is the tail end of what is commonly known as the Great Commission, where Jesus instructed His disciples to spread the gospel. I just love the fact that Jesus was not short-sighted. Even when giving important instructions He was mindful of human weakness and spoke of the promised provisions He made.
Have you ever had a really big job to do and felt like there was no way you could get it done? Have you ever felt intense guilt because of it? Imagine how much more severe those feelings are when the work you have to do has eternal consequence. Jesus knows how the devil plans to work on your emotions.
As a child I had many opportunities to learn how to work. I often remember that my work was always easier, even enjoyable, when I had someone to help me. That is exactly what Jesus promised here. Even better is the promise that He isn't leaving either. He promises, "I am with you alway."
This promise also deals with the feelings a believer experiences when doing the Lord's work and sharing the gospel. The devil would have you to think it is all up to you and your skill set. Read the gospels, search it diligently, and see if Jesus ever just tagged along with His disciples waiting for them to make decisions. The reality is He didn't. As they did His work, Jesus was beside them to provide wisdom and ability to do it right. When you do His work, He not only promised to be with you, but He is also prommising to give you wisdom and power so that it is done right.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I Peter 5:6
I am amazed at how many promises from God are conditional. It would do us well to take note. Much of the “more abundant life” He wishes to give us hinges on our willingness to obey. Here God promises to exalt you in due time. Again we can see that God has precise timing and He also has a time planned for you to be lifted up.
The key to being exalted is simply humility to God and His will for your life. Pay special attention that it isn’t just humility, but humility under God and His power. When we do this we are assured God will take care of us, even when it seems as though others have an advantage over us.
This promise reminds me of the contrast within my own life. Shortly after I got saved I began intense study of the Bible. God was faithful to teach me, even though I tried to wrestle others (believer or not). I had become lifted up in what I knew. The result was many hours of discourse, which yielded no peaceable fruits of righteousness. Unfortunately, several people no longer cared to engage in spiritual conversation and needless to say their opinions of me did not allow me an exalted place in their minds or hearts.
After a period of time, much longer than I care to admit, God got through to me. I began to learn how to humble myself under His power. The result has been that God has given me opportunity to share His wonderful truth. Today people have great confidence in my walk with God and seek me for Godly counsel. This “exalted” position is God’s doing, not my own. What people are drawn to, what is exalted, is the very character of God that is reflected in my life. This only happens as I humble myself to Him.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Psalms 32:8 part 3
The third explicit promise in this verse pertains to eye contact. Flashback to your childhood. Do you remember “the look?” You know, the one your parents flashed you when something needed to be changed. That simple act communicated volumes without a word ever being spoken. Somehow, their eyes told you exactly what to do or where to go.
The reason it works is due to your relationship. You knew them; hence you knew what they were telling you to do. That is what God has promised you. When you are saved you will have a close personal relationship with Him. It will be so close that you will be able to “see’ God’s eye.
God is not saying a pair of eyeballs will follow you around, nor is it like those freaky paintings where the eyes always seem to be staring at you. His eyes are manifested in many forms. Often it is in His word but it may also be a spontaneous flow of thought or counsel from another person that prompts you toward what is right. The important thought is that God will let you know what you need to do.
The last bit of promise hidden in here is the fact that God will lead with His eye. It is singular because that is God’s focus. He is not going to confuse. The other part is that it is His. He is not leaving the job to an assistant. God wants you to follow His eye, not what someone says about His eye. The only question that remains is, Do you see God’s eye?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Psalms 32:8 part 2
The second look at this promise will focus on God’s methodologies; how He does what He does. God has promised to “teach” you. This reminds me of the little story I learned when I was studying education in college. In the story Mr. Smith came into the copy room and complained to the other teachers saying, “I taught and taught all day and the kids learned absolutely nothing.”
The point of the story is that there is a difference between talking and teaching. God has promised to teach, not just talk. Teaching is to cause one to learn by example or experience. Can you see the beauty in what He has promised? He will do what is necessary for you to learn and understand.
Part of learning is discovery. Just because God appears silent doesn’t mean He has left the room or isn’t teaching you. There are times in your education when God provides a safe situation for you to explore, experience and discover. Don’t fret. It is all part of the plan. You can be assured that God will provide an opportunity for you and Him to debrief.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Psalms 32:8
This verse, like many of the psalms, is packed with explicit as well as implicit promises. Let’s begin with the fact that God has promised to “instruct” you in the way. Did you happen to notice the incidental promise? God has a plan for you. There is a way He would like your life to go.
Landing the Space Shuttle on the moon seems easy enough. However, the degree of accuracy is equivalent to standing two football fields away from a measly house-fly, then shooting it in the eye! Have you ever considered the heavens? They are full of bodies of planets, stars, asteroids, comets, and cosmic “stuff.” To complicate matters, everything is moving. It all seems impossible until you realize they have ordained patterns, which they methodically follow.
Now look at the meat of the first explicit promise; instruction. Instruct means to impart knowledge in a methodical manner. When God instructs you He will be methodical. He is not like a scatter-brained teacher you had in high school who lost your papers or seemed to talk about the most random and unrelated events. God is a God of order and that is what He is promising to bring to your life if you are willing to accept His instruction.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Proverbs 22:6
Do you remember growing up vowing you would never be like your parents? Do you remember the first time you realized you did it anyway? I often catch myself doing things just like my parents taught me; most of the time out of learned instinct. It is due to a God ordained principle.
This promise is a comfort to Godly parents who teach their children what is right. While it doesn’t guarantee they will stay saved it does promise they will not forget. What parents teach their children will affect the way they think when they are older. That is why the Jesuits used to say, “Give us a child until he is seven and we will return unto you a man.”
This promise is also meant as a comfort to us who are saved. If we are allowing God to be our Father then as we grow we shall be more like Him. That means as I mature as a Christian I have an assurance I can be like God and not have to depart from what He has instilled in me. Don’t forget that maturation within Christianity doesn’t depend on your age or amount of time you have been saved. It is based on experience with God.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I John 5:18
We have already looked at the protection promise in this verse, now we want to look at the power promise in this verse. Like the protection, the power promise is conditional. The condition you must meet is to be born again. That means you have asked God to forgive your sins, confessed His divinity and ownership, and repented of your old ways. God is telling you that He will grant power to you so that you will not have to sin again.
I grew up around a bunch of people who used vile and dirty language. Naturally, I began to curse as they did, but never in front of my parents. I really didn’t like the taste of soap, getting beat with a switch, or causing my parents to think less of me as a person. As a grew into adulthood it became a habit that ruled me. Over a 5-month period of time I tried repeatedly to stop, only to realize 5 days was the best I could muster before being overpowered.
I honestly felt helpless in my life. In simplistic faith I told God, “If you will help me quit cussing I’ll think about getting saved.” God answered my prayer and took the habit away and I haven’t cussed since 1997! God did such a work that I don’t even think of those filthy words anymore. This is the type of power God promises to those who are born again. Do you have that power working in your life? If not, God is telling you it is available if you will allow it.
Friday, December 3, 2010
I John 5:18
I recall a time as a kid when one of my cousins and I were playing around. We would often tease each other and one particular day he took it to far. Fortunately for him, I was not as fast of a runner and he beat me into the house where he hung out by his mom. Like a dog circling a treed cat, I would circle looking for an opportunity to hit him. Standing behind her back, He would silently taunt me with ridiculing antics. He was living proof of what M.C. Hammer sang; “Can’t Touch This.”
Here, God grants us understanding of a conditional promise concerning our safety. The devil has great power, but only as God permits. God is telling us we can be safe if we’ll just have enough sense to do what my cousin did. Keep yourself in the presence of the one who has more authority than the one trying to harm you and you can sing “Can’t Touch This.”
Your safety is already guaranteed, but it hinges on two important aspects. First you must be born of God (saved). Secondly, you must keep yourself. Specifically, keep yourself in God’s will. This requires obedience, but the reward is the promise of unfailing protection.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Titus 2:11
Years ago I read about a man who got tired of getting so much junkmail that he began mailing it back. He would use his postge paid envelope from the "Pre-Approved Discover Card" offer and mail them a "Have you seen me" postcard. All of his efforts, designed to stop the junkmail, were fruitless. Like all other houses in America, the junkmail appeared.
God's grace shares one characteristic with junkmail. Everyone gets some. Here God promises that His grace will appear to all men. Please understand that God is not sexist and that "men" in the bible refers to both men and women. So Ladies, you are not left out either.
Many companies make their best pitch to solve your problems. When it comes to mail, the reality is you are someone I owe money or someone who wants me to owe them money. Either way I am not excited to get the mail. God's grace is better than mail or junkmail because He really delivers what He promises. Even better, there is no fine print that negates everything that has been written boldly on the outside of the envelope! His grace will bring you to salvation if you will just open up an accept the offer.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Psalms 5:11
This promise reminds me of a childhood memory where I kind of did a good thing. Well, it wasn’t that good but I did start with good intentions. During the hot Arizona summers, my friends and I would play hide-&-go seek inside of the grocery stores. One particular day, my fun was interrupted by 3 bullies picking on a scrawny kid leaving the store.
The single boy being harassed tried to quietly and quickly go home. The three other boys followed him behind the store where they really began to torment him. Enclosed in a small area, isolated, with no friends, no adult protection, and with no apparent means of escape the boy began to cry. His pleas of mercy were drowned out by the sneers and laughter of the three bullies. Can you imagine the little boys fear and desperation?
Unbeknownst to him, I took note of what was going on and purposed to do something about it. So I took my friends and followed the bullies in order to tilt the odds in favor of the boy being picked on. The unexpected arrival of my older cousin further established this boy’s defense. When it was all said and done, I sent those boys running home, and one of them with a broken nose.
Do you ever feel outnumbered, overmatched, or isolated in a desperate situation with no hope of escape? Does it feel like no one cares or is paying attention? God is. He is promising that He will be your defense, even when you don’t see it coming. He is promising to send your enemies away with a broken nose. Do you trust Him to be your defender or will you continue to fail doing it yourself?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
II Corinthians 5:17
As a kid I used to play games. When I messed up or was not happy with the result, I would call a “Do over.” Have you ever looked at your life and thought, “Do over!” God has promised you just that. No matter what mess you have made of your life God can make it new. To receive this promise only requires that you be in Christ; that is to say you ask him to be your savior.
I am not much of an artist and I am even worse at pottery. I recall making a clay vase in 8th grade that more closely resembled a hard blob of clay. I did not have the patience or skill to make it a work of art. Did you know God is a much better artist?
In the 18th chapter of Jeremiah God explains how he made a vessel that marred in his hands. The same chapter also tells how God, without anger or complaint, simply made another vessel that pleased him. God formed you in the womb and knew you before you were born. If you have “marred” your life, God has promised to make you new. Even more comforting is to know he does it without regret, hard feelings, or frustration.
The pot I made in 8th grade could not be re-worked because it had gone through the furnace to make it set. God has spared you from the fires of hell thus far so that your clay (life) would be workable. Once you pass from this life into eternity it will be too late to make a change because the fire of hell will set you. Take hold of God’s promise to make your life new. All the mistakes of your life can be changed by one prayer if you will believe in his promise.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I Corinthians 2:9
I’d like to credit this devotional thought to my Uncle Steve. In a recent sermon he shared an awesome exposition of this promise.
Have you ever been to a fireworks show more than once? Fort Vancouver, in southwest Washington, puts on one of the best 4th of July celebrations I have ever seen. As a veteran of the show I am intimately familiar with the grand finale. Many times I have experienced this show with people who are new to the experience. Often they are impressed with the dazzling colors and share their excitement, to which I reply, “You aint seen nothin yet!”
I am able to confidently express this because I know what the end will be like and how much greater it will impress and satisfy. Similarly, God is telling you, “You aint seen nothing yet!” God knows the grand finale and what He has in store for you. As you travel down your life and enjoy God, you will be impressed. God is promising you here, that what will come in the end is really going to blow your mind.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Heartfelt Welcome
I also heard that both of you are living your lives for God. I can't tell you how much that thrills my soul. May God continue to be real to you.
Joshua 1:5
Do you remember the goofy folktale about the genie in the lamp? According to the tale, a person who finds the lamp will be granted 3 wishes in exchange for releasing the genie. The interesting thing was that the genie was loyal to whoever found the lamp. Moreover, the power the genie exercised on behalf of the one making a wish, was the same no matter who made the wish.
One particular cartoon brought that home to me as a kid. In the story a lamp had been found and used by a man. Caught up in his greed he lost the lamp. Many years, possibly centuries, passed before the lamp was discovered by another person. The new owner now had access to the same genie. Any wish could be granted just as it was for the previous finder of the lamp.
God is not saying He is a genie, but He is promising you no lack of power. Have you ever thought of Godly people and marveled at their walk with God? Have you ever seen God’s power demonstrated in their life and wondered, “What would it be like to _____ like brother or sister________?”
That is exactly what God is promising here. He was telling Joshua not to freak out. “The man you always looked up to. The man who just died and left you out here alone. Don’t worry about that. The power I gave Him I will give to you.” Did you know that is what God is promising you also? Just as God blessed your most godly examples, so to, will He bless you. Are you willing to accept it?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Deuteronomy 7:10
First reading of this would speak to God’s vengence and the fact it is the real deal. I want to take a look at this promise and come at it from a different angle than how it appears on the surface. Picture for a moment your life in 7th – 10th grade. Do you remember all the drama? How many tears did you cry? Did you ever want to fight because of something you heard said about you behind your back?
Words spoken behind your back hurt deep and often elicit radical emotional responses. That is why God is promising not to “trash” your reputation. If He has an issue with you or if you have failed Him, He promises to deal with you face to face. There will be no middle man and definitely no opportunity for a misunderstanding.
Don’t be fearful. God will bring the issue directly to you because He desires to grant you an opportunity to repent and make it right. Unlike that middle school bully, God will talk it out with you. Have you been “hating” God? You can expect His visit because He loves you to much to let you continue down that path.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Numbers 14:31
This promise is taken out of a discourse the Lord was having with the Hebrews as they wandered in the wilderness refusing to go into the “Promise Land” because of their fear. One of their excuses was, that children would be killed by their enemies, hence they despised the land. In this verse, God indirectly promises His ability to take care of the helpless (children).
Several years ago I heard a legend about Alfred Nobel and his peace prize which is given out yearly. The story claims that Mr. Nobel did not consider mathematics a field worthy of being eligible for the prize because he had animosity towards a mathematician who had an affair with his mistress. So, for centuries to follow all mathematicians would be punished for this action. I am not arguing the validity of this legend but I do want to point out its lesson on how humans can hold grudges that last beyond their own life.
Here, God is stating that He doesn’t hold grudges. Despite the apparent failures of the parents, God was not going to punish their children as well, but rather, He promised to be their “parents” and lead them in the right way. Did your parents fail to trust God? God is telling you that that doesn’t prohibit you from His blessings for your life. Have you ever failed as a parent and allowed the devil to beat you up with thoughts of how bad you messed your kids’ lives? God is telling you, “I’ll fix it.”
Friday, October 29, 2010
Leviticus 27:28
This whole chapter is full of laws concerning property that is used as collateral or is donated to God’s service. In this particular verse God is trying to explain His heart toward you and the gifts you give. The first part of this promise is the idea that you have something to offer God. He has given you the ability and opportunity. The question is do you? It can be something as simple as time. You can give God your time by using it to pray or read your bible.
I have to admit that I have been guilty of re-gifting an item. When my wife and I got married, it seemed as though all our friends were like-minded and decided to by us picture frames. I wasn’t upset about it, but a person realistically can only use a limited amount of picture frames.
The “not as pretty” frames were put in boxes and would have been forgotten had I not been financially challenged. In my frugality, I used a few of those frames as wedding and birthday presents for other folks. I know it is culturally taboo, but I was broke and needed something. The other half of the truth was the frames weren’t as sentimental or valuable to me.
In the latter part of this promise, God is telling you, “I am not a re-gifter! If you give me something it will be considered a highly regarded present that I will never give away.” God wants you to rest assured that no matter how ugly, insignificant, or grand you may think it is, all your offerings devoted (given) to Him are sacred (Holy).
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Exodus 4:12
Here we pick up part of a conversation between God and Moses. Like many of us, Moses was hiding behind his percieved limitations. It is painfully obvious God is not interested in your excuses. He is promising you and I, as He did Moses, that even our mouth can be empowered by Him.
This promise has a hidden condition. It implies that you are doing what God has called you to. Despite several years of serving the Lord I still get nervous when He calls me to speak on His behalf. Eventhogh He has shown me in multiple settings and circumstances, I am still awestruck at how He always has the right things to say.
The essence of this promise was emblazoned on my mind when He told me to appologize to my former boss. She was vindictive as well as subversive, which resulted in my disdain. I simply wanted to cut her off and enjoy my ill will towards her, but God had other plans.
When he first told me to talk to her I was like Moses and started in with all the reasons why I thought it was a waste of time. Once I got over the shock of realizing there was no getting around it I was nervous about what to say and how to say it. Having gone through that experience, I can honestly say God means what He's promised! I don't recall all that I said that day, but our tearful exchange left me with a definate witness of God's abilities.
Do you have a job to do for God? Are you concerned about what you will say? God has promised to give you words that speak life to those that hear you. Are you willing to trust Him?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Psalms 50:15
On the surface this is a very simple and straightforward promise, but it covers much more than you really imagine. Here, God is saying, “Tell what is wrong and I will help.” It is important to note that God did not put a clarifier on what constituted trouble. For each person it will vary, but to God they are all important.
Several years ago, during the housing boom, my wife an I bought a house that was 2 times out of our budget. The idea was to hold it for a while, then sell it for a profit. All was going as planned until the market started showing signs of slowing down. We bought at the wrong time and it was going to bring financial ruin. I am convinced my wife and I earned many some gray hairs over the matter.
Once we finally recovered from the reality we were facing, we began to pray in earnest to God. As this promise says, God delivered us and brought a buyer at the right time for the right price. Financially we broke even but spiritually we profited greatly because we learned that God even helps when we were the ones who created the trouble.
Do you have some trouble? Does it seem too small? Too big? Do you feel like it is your fault so you have to deal with it alone? Do you want to be delivered? God simply asks you to call upon Him.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Psalms 25:8
This verse reveals the patience as well as long suffering of God. The word rightly declares His character as “good.” By definition, sinners are those who refuse to follow God’s will for their life, thereby, rebelling against Him. Despite their rejections of Him, God is willing to put in the extra time to teach them.
As a teacher in a high school, I have experienced several types of students. The most frustrating students are the ones who think they know what they are doing, hence they don’t listen to what they are being taught. Some have even had the audacity to continue down their own path despite the failures piling up behind them, even hinting that the teacher just doesn’t know what they are doing. This is exactly the type of student, in God’s class, that is called a sinner.
Because God is a good teacher, He is willing to stay long hours “after school.” He will even go home with you if you let Him! The whole time He is present, His focus is on teaching you what is right. He is not there to judge because that will come at a later date. God knows there will be a final exam at the end of your life and that is why He pursues you in hopes that He can give you the answers. This promise also reveals that God pursues even the lousy, rebellious, and distracting students.
Are you living in sin? God wants to teach you how to get out of it. Do you have loved ones or a friend in this predicament? Take courage in knowing that God is pursuing them also.
I was humbled by his respect and honor he showed to me by asking that I would baptise him. This is not an honor I take lightly. I am very thankful to God that He brought me and this student into each other's lives. All I can say is that God is awesome and He is still interested in souls!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Luke 15:7
We know and understand that Jesus himself will come and seek us out if we go astray. He will even stand by our side pleading for us to come and join him again if we tarry in our decision. What is most important is the response of Jesus. It is one of Joy.
Do you remember a time when you disobeyed your parents and went some place without their permission? Even worse, was to go some place they had told you not to go.
Did you ever have the experience of them showing up when you least expected? It was humiliating to be “caught” or found by an angry parent. They gave no thought to your feelings because they were caught up in their own emotions.
Important to note here is the reaction of Jesus and how different it is from those in the world. He rejoices! More than that, he engages all the host of heaven to join in his exceeding joy over your return. Imagine the sound of angels, those who have already gained their reward of heaven, Jesus, and God himself singing heavenly songs consumed with Love!
Have you ever been his guest of honor? I can tell you that you will never experience such a welcoming as the one God extends to each child who allows themselves to be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Guilt, fear, and shame are removed, only to be replaced by love, humility, and a gentle spirit. There is a party waiting for your appearance.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Jeremiah 29:13
Have you ever lost something you really wanted? I remember as a little kid I worked hard for several days to earn $5. As a poor kid growing up, I was crushed when I realized my loss. My initial reaction was cautious optimisim as I simply decided to retrace my steps, knowing I woukd retrieve what was rightfully mine. After several minutes with no success, hope leaked out with each, seemingly, vain step. By the end of the night I had concluded all hope to be lost.
In life we face many circumstances with much more dire consequences. Often, our own efforts to fix situations result in hope lost. As we journey through life accumulating this defeating experiences it is no wonder we are forced into hopeless lives of desperation. That is until we come to the realization of this promise.
God is telling you to "put your focus in the right place and you'll never be disappointed." If you focus solely on me (with you whole heart), I will be found. Here, God is promising you that you can and will find that which is most umportant, of most value. God Himself!
How's your hope? Do you sense loss in your life? God is waiting to be found by you. The only way to find Him is to focus on Him, not your situation, not your circumstance, and definately not on what you can do to fix the problem. The reward will always be treasure recovered.
Friday, October 1, 2010
John 8:32
Another benefit of this freedom is experienced in our emotions. I am persuaded that the devil has discouraged millions by attacking their emotions. He has accused good Christians of being lost and undone because they didn’t “feel” close to God. He has personally attacked me by reminding me of my past sins. The entire time he attempts to overlay my peace with guilt.
The good news is you can be free from that guilt! Part of your freedom that God promised is freedom from guilt. We can know we are forgiven, so we need not be guilty for the past. When God forgives our sin, he forgets it as well.
Have you ever been afraid to trust God? Are you ever fearful of having enough money? Do you worry about what will happen next, or tomorrow? Does your future make you anxious? God promises you freedom from these and all other fears. All you need is to know the truth to experience this freedom.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
James 1:12
Have you ever dreamed of being a King or Queen? Can you imagine the beautiful crown you could make since you had every precious stone available? The shear beauty of your crown would indicate your status. Did you know God has promised you such a crown?
The crown God has prepared for you sparkles with beauty. Each stone reflects its splendor when basking in the eternal light of God. What is even more precious is the thought that each crown is equally beautiful, since he promised to give us “the crown.” I don’t have to worry about my crown being diminished by another person’s crown.
This verse also has the promise that we will not only have temptation but we will also have the opportunity to endure. Can you imagine the sight in heaven when all people, who have endured for the Lord, are gathered around the throne of God? Oh, it is worth every trial to be counted worthy to be a part of that heavenly host!
Friday, September 24, 2010
II Corithnians 7:6
Some have foolishly charged God with not caring about their life. The truth is God does care and His care is sometimes manifested in a manner that requires faith. Have you ever wondered, “Why doesn’t God give me comfort in this situation?” There is no doubt God has promised to comfort you when you feel cast down. What is not always obvious is the method God will choose.
In this scripture, Paul is telling how he was comforted and refreshed by his friend Titus. The underlying principle of God’s promise is that He will send people into your life to deliver His comfort. It is important to remind yourself, that friends, family, or kind strangers are a gift from God not happenstance.
This promise is manifested in many ways, most of which are simple every day activities. Phone calls, emails, text messages, hugs, kisses, kind words, smiles, …… are just a few ways God encourages others to bring His comfort into your life. The next time you feel cast down, look around and behold God’s comfort in the people He sends your way. Then receive His comfort and know you are deeply loved.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Genesis 9:14
Methuselah lived 969 years and never saw it. Enoch walked with God and never saw one. Even Adam and Eve were denied this simple privilege you and I take for granted. There used to be a day when rainbows didn’t exist!
Have you ever looked at a rainbow and thought, “Thank you God for not flooding us out?” You should. The rainbow was a symbol, a definite reminder, to Noah and all his off-spring that God had made them a promise. Have you ever consider the fact that God didn’t have to make a rainbow to keep His promise. Instead He decided to make a perpetual reminder. That should teach you how important God takes His promises. He deliberately draws attention to them.
The next time you are blessed enough to see a rainbow forget the little green men with the ever-elusive pot of gold. Stop and remember that God is speaking to you, reminding you of His covenant to you. His rainbow is like a father’s supporting smile that encourages his nervous child to press on.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Joel 2:32
Do you remember the disappointments of childhood where all the really fun rides where for older kids. Those silly signs, with smirking characters, publicly pointing out your lack of stature seemed to revel in your unmet hopes. Similarly, the devil feverishly works to point out all your inadequacies. Given the chance, he will convince you that you will never qualify to receive any of God’s benefits and especially not deliverance.
Here we see again the desire of God. He has opened His plan to anyone who wants to meet His prerequisites. It is a faith in God and His abilities, followed by action demonstrated in a call. Simply call upon His name and He’ll deliver you. No height requirements, no tormenting reminders of what you aren’t. No immobilizing abuse about past regrets, failures, or shortcomings. Just call me. Call my name of deliverance; Jesus.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Psalms 37:4
“Hey preacher. Now you are talking my language!” is often the response in people’s minds when they here ministers talk about God giving things to them. This is a promise worth getting excited about, but you may want to know that it isn’t about you being spoiled with what ever you want. Rather this promise is more about God fixing your heart and its desires. It all hinges on delighting oneself in the Lord.
To delight in thyself in the Lord is to be so in love with Him that you can’t help but think of Him and how you might please Him. To delight is to thoroughly enjoy without want or need for anything else. It is during that process that He begins to teach us what should be a desire worthy of our heart. When we truly get to this place in our heart, and not just our mind, then we are well on our way to having our most sincere desires of the heart satisfied.
This verse was first given to me by the Lord just prior to me getting hired as a teacher; which was a desire of my heart that required 4 years and ridiculous amounts of money. It all started when my wife and I chose to obey the Lord and move to Oregon from Arizona. Our desire was to please the Lord and be delighted to do what he asked of us; regardless of all its challenges and difficulties.
The school year had started and I was not given a job. I very badly wanted to work at the high school I graduated from and be a witness for the Lord there. The year started and there was no job offered. In mid September, during my prayers, the Lord brought this verse to mind and caused me to know that He was going to grant my desire. In just a little over a month the Lord created a job at the exact school I wanted to be at. I have happily worked there ever since.
Do you have unmet desires of the heart? Is it possible you are delighting in something other than Him? You do know He’ll tell you if you sincerely seek Him.
Friday, September 10, 2010
II Corrinthians 10:4
As discussed before, God gives us weapons and power to have the victory. There is still more in this promise though. God also is telling us which weapons to use and where. Carnal weapons are things that most humans can generally do. Things like, argue, scream, yell, retaliate, hit,, kick, conspire, speak evil of, slander, etc….
When it comes to our weapons, we are promised that they are not of any of these tools or methodologies. Instead we can “bless those who curse” us, “pray for those who despitefully use us”, be kind, tenderhearted, peaceful, gentle, longsuffering, etc….
The fact that our weapons are not carnal also lets us know that we are not battling with people. We are fighting against strongholds in our own lives or in the lives of others. These are spiritual battles, which serve as a reminder not to get too upset with the people used as a battlefield.
This reminds me a former student of mine. The Lord had been dealing with him and was using me to draw him closer. One day the student abruptly altered his behavior and became very contrary to me during class. His behavior was extremely out of character and noticeably distracting to the rest of the class. As our verbal exchange continued my frustration mounted until I simply sent him out of the room to the office.
That night I couldn’t help but think about what had happened. Over the weekend, the Lord showed what was really going on. The kid was not contrary to me, but the powers controlling his life were contrary to the things of God working in my life. Once the Lord opened my eyes up I was able to see where the battle was and what the root problem was. Through prayer, God gave me words to speak that have helped that young man grow closer to the Lord. In this promise, God is granting you the same privilege.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
II Corinthians 10:4
I want to first point out that you do have weapons at your disposal, promised by God. As a Christian, you are expected to fight against the enemy of your soul. The weapons we are issued have the ability to pull down or destroy strongholds. These are the areas in your personal life that sometimes appear to be “off-limits.”
Prior to getting saved I drew back even though I felt the drawing of the Lord. I had great respect for the things of God, but I also had an area of my life that was a definite stronghold. I was unable to overcome my habit of filthy language. Try as I might, I could do no better than to restrain myself for only a few days. After months of effort I finally came to realize what it was to be controlled by a power greater than my will. There was nothing I could do to overcome.
In desperation, I prayed one day asking the Lord, “If you’ll help me kick this habit, I will try to get saved.” All I can say is that I have not said a cuss word since 1997! Even more, God erased the words from my mind to the point that I am not tempted to even think it in my head. Now that is a mighty power! Only God was able to give me the power to pull down that stronghold in my life.
Have you any areas of your life that seem too strong for you? Do you wish you were more Godlike in some aspect of your life? The secret is to stop fighting it with your own strength (carnal warfare) and let God give you the weapons and power to pull down those strongholds.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Isaiah 40:31
There are several promises in this one. The one I want to focus on this time is a conditional promise. This verse begins by telling us that if we wait upon the Lord then something would be granted to us. He has promised a renewing.
The idea of waiting is not always a logical solution, especially if you are in a real dire situation. As humans we have an innate, God-given tendency to fight or flight when we feel endangered. This concept of waiting reminds me an activity we did as kids.
The heaviest person would sit upright in a kitchen chair. Then four others would clasp their hands together except their index fingers, making what resembled a handgun. Next, the four people would pick a spot to place their index fingers. The four different spots to choose from was behind each bent knee and under each armpit of the person sitting in the chair. Lastly, the four people would simultaneously try to lift the person off the chair. After much groaning and giggling the person in the chair remain seated, while the other realized their apparent lack of strength.
After this, the same four people would hold their arms in the air above their heads for a period of time (3-4mins). When the time was accomplished they would immediately try again to lift the person in the chair. This resulted in much less groaning and the person being lifted high above the chair. Those lifting would then testify to the ease with which the task was accomplished. Like that fun activity demonstrates, God is promising to grant you superceding strength if you will be willing to wait.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
John 14:2
There is a great deal of pain as well as fear when some one we love leaves; especially when it is permanent. Jesus was preparing His followers for His departure from earth. Christ’s disciples had forsaken their careers, friendships, and all that was familiar, trusting Christ with their entire life. Considering this, it is easy to understand their fear when considering Jesus was leaving.
There are a couple promises in here but I want to focus on the promise of Jesus to “prepare” a place just for you. This idea reminds me of my cousin Sandy. Several years ago she bought elaborate sewing equipment so she could better express her love to friends and family. I especially remember the quilt she made for her dad. It contained several squares, one for each child and grandchild. Each square had the person’s name and an item that symbolized a dominant aspect of their character.
A person looking at the quality of the quilt would be impressed with its craftsmanship, but those who knew the family are amazed by its intricate detail. The essence of each person was not only precisely symbolized by her choice of object, but even the colors perfectly reflected the individual! It was obvious Sandy knew each person in great detail, thus her ability to prepare exactly the right square.
In like manner, Jesus is saying I know just what to make for you. When you come into eternity to be with me I want you to know that I have been working on the perfect place for you. The only real question left is; “Are you living in such a way that you will be able to live in your mansion?”
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Matthew 11:28
This was spoken by Jesus to the multitude that had gathered around Him. It was recorded in the bible to give assurance to you that there also is rest for you. In my short life I have had several experiences where I worked such long hard hours that when I got home I simply collapsed into bed, too exhausted to even shower. Those nights resulted in complete, almost dead-like, sleep. It is like those rare occasions when you awake from a full nights sleep with the feeling you never moved all night.
Life is full of experiences that are hard, causing heavy burdens. Do you have circumstances that are weighing down your spirit? Do you ever feel worn out from fighting what seems like a losing battle? Would you like some rest? God is promising a rest to your inner being, a rest where your soul lays completely still, like a great night’s sleep. This promise hinges only your willingness to come to Jesus.
As humans we have a tendency to think we must take care of it ourselves, which is why we find ourselves heavily laden. I well recall how easily I slipped into this condition just last month when I was over-loaded with legitimate concerns for my family, friends, finances, students, and souls. An alarming email signaling disharmony among God’s people sent me over the edge. I felt awful inside and my soul was tired from all the unrest. The first break I got at work, I left my classroom and sought out a seldom-used room in the basement of my school. Alone in the darkness of that room I “came” to Christ with all my burdens. I can’t say how long I prayed but I can tell you I did not get up until my soul was resting. Praise God for real soul rest!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
John 8:11
How well I remember the times in my childhood when I got caught doing foolish things. Too often I would simply act without thinking only to regret it later. My parents were wise because they would make me go to my room and think about what I had done. It was during this time, guilt and frustration with myself began its work to bring me to a place of repentance.
As I got older I felt an overwhelming urge to explain why I had done something bad. It was if I was trying to appease a deep-seated emotion if I could somehow make sense out of my mistake. I imagine you are not much different than I am, so we are tempted to explain or justify our mistakes to God. Don’t bother. He is not interested in your excuse. He is interested in repentance, which is an expression of Love.
In the story preceding this verse we see a guilty woman forced to think about her shameful act. Like this woman, we all have been caught at one time or another. However, like this woman we too can claim Jesus’ promise of “neither do I condemn thee.” Jesus, knowing the contrition of her heart, simply said, “I forgive you.” Do you realize it is that easy?
The other half of the promise is that He will equip you to do better. When he said “go and sin no more” it implies that she now had the ability to perform that which He commanded. When you are forgiven you are freed to do better. Is there anything in your life that you know isn’t right with God? Do you wish you could do better? God is promising to forgive and empower you.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Proverbs 16:3
Here we have another conditional promise. Our part is to commit what we are doing unto the Lord. That doesn't mean I am doing whatever I feel like and hoping the Lord is pleased with it. This means that I am actively seeking God's will in my life and doing what pleases him.
When you do this, the Lord has promised to deal with your mind. When it comes to being "drawn" away from the Lord it starts with the mind. The principle of reaping and sowing works in the negative also.
Sow a thought, reap an act. Sow an act, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character.
Jesus said, as a man thinketh in his heart so he is. All this is pointing out that our actions are dictated by what we think about. This is why the promise is so precious. The Lord is saying I will protect your mind and help you to focus your thoughts on what is good.
The best way I can eloborate on this is to share my own experience of it. Several years back I felt impressed, of the Lord, to have a tent meeting in the park. The last month preceeding the meeting was very busy, as I was taking care of the logistics and prayfully asking the Lord for inspiring messages to share. The month came and went as did the meeting. After it was over the Lord asked me, "Did you notice that during all this work you never had time to think about what others were or were not doing?" The Lord was letting me know that if I'll concentrate on His work for my life then I won't have time to be scrutinizing others.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Malachi 4:2
Praise God! He has promised to heal you and me. The healing that he has covers every aspect of your life. I have personally seen God answer prayer and perform miracles to people I know. Miracles just like the ones Jesus did when he was walking the earth. God’s power to heal in a miraculous manner has not diminished with time. James 5:16 encourages God’s people to pray for each other that they may be healed. Did you know God’s healing power is not limited to a physical body?
Imagine your emotions being likened unto the meat of a cow. A cow that has sustained a severe bodily injury has a natural reaction to fight off infection using chemicals within its body. These chemicals surround the bacteria to keep it from spreading, which results in a hardness of the meat. You can imagine how tough that meat would be years later. Contrast that meat with meat from a cow that spent its entire life lying in a barn stall. My cousin ate such a cow and bragged about how tender the meat was. He claimed it was full of flavor and the most tender meat he had ever eaten.
In this verse God has promised that we can be calves of the stall. This means our emotions can be tender despite what we have faced in life. You don’t have to harbor bad feelings and carry around hurts that make you appear “tough” to others. Like the natural chemicals within the cow you have devised a system of protection for your emotions, which has created hardness and scars. God promises to heal both your emotions and scars. You can be tender once again. A verse of a song captures it best, “There’s healing in Jesus. There’s a balm for each pain. The heart that has been broken can be made whole again.”
Friday, August 13, 2010
James 1:5
Do you know the answer to every question in life? My guess is you have been stumped often over the course of your life. There are simple everyday events, which you struggle . with to find the right decision for, but this promise is much more than that. This promise enables us to have peace with more pressing issues like, “What happens when I die? Where will I spend eternity? What is God pleased with? How do I truly love my enemies?” These are a few of many important issues.
When I was a kid I often got on people’s nerves because I always asked questions. I was an inquisitive kid who wanted to know how, why, and what if. There are many memories of various adults growing impatient with my incessant questioning. I especially enjoy the part of this promise where God will give “liberally” to all who ask. That tells me that God doesn’t grow impatient with my questions. He is well able to answer them and much more that I haven’t even thought about yet.
I have known people who will not ask questions because they were afraid of being ridiculed for their lack of knowledge. This is often the biggest cause for students to be silent in a classroom setting. They are afraid to admit what they do not know. Did you know that it is safe to admit to God you don’t know something? He won’t upbraid you even if he has told you the answer before!
Understand something very important. God has promised you wisdom in all that you will face in life. He has also promised not to “beat you up” because you did not know. Do you still have unanswered questions? You know where to find the answer. What are you waiting for? Go claim your promise.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Proverbs 3:6
“What do you want to do? I don’t know, what do you want to do? I don’t know, what about ….?” Have you ever had a conversation like this? They can be humorous when deciding where to eat, however, when it comes down to serious matters of life or concerns deep within your spiritual being it is no laughing matter. There is no peace in the soul when you have no sense of direction.
The solution is simple. Acknowledge God and he has promised to take care of the directions. It is important to point out that acknowledging God is more than a mere recognition of his existence or presence. Acknowledging God implies a detailed understanding of his character and accomplishments. I think the best illustration would be an eulogy at a funeral. In those few moments the deceased person is identified by name, birth date and a list of attributes that made them unique. Often in these ceremonies the audience is invited to share memories they had of the person. The combined efforts of the eulogy and shared memories are an active demonstration of acknowledging the life of the deceased.
In like manner, you can acknowledge God by becoming intimately familiar with him. Becoming familiar with God starts with faith in his existence and deepens as you read his word while allowing him time to share in your life experiences. It is not enough to know that God exists and cares, but to acknowledge him implies you understand his character and how he would react to your situation. When you know in your heart how God would react to your situation you now have direction. Are you facing something difficult to understand? Do you know which way to go? God has an answer that will bring peace to your soul. Have you acknowledged him in your current situation?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Matthew 18:12
This verse has always served as an inspiration for several reasons. When I think of being lost, it reminds me of the time I wandered away from my mom in the grocery store. It would have been no big deal, except I was a small 5 year-old child with no hope of finding her on my own. Even now, at the age of thirty, I still have vivid remembrance of how it felt to be “lost.”
Spiritually we are lost without Jesus. He is our only ride home. He alone is our protection and caregiver. All others are out to steal, kill, and destroy me. That is what makes this promise so sweet. Jesus has promised to come looking for us! He even promised to search for us in the rugged or dangerous areas we aimlessly wander into among the “mountains.”
Also hidden in here is the thought that we are not lost in the crowd. Have you ever had 100 pennies and lost one? How hard did you look for it? If you are like me, you probably thought, “No big deal, it is just a penny.” Isn’t it comforting to know that Jesus sees us to be of much more value? Even among the multitude of his sheep he knows if we are missing and it moves him with compassion to seek us out that we may be in his company once again.
Do you feel lost? Can you imagine the panic that Jesus feels? Don’t feel like the Lord does not care. Be encouraged to know that Jesus is on your trail that he might restore you to himself. He also promises to bring you back into the company of the rest of the sheep.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Isaiah 26:3
Really? Perfect peace? No matter what happens? YES! YES! YES! Oh how I know this to be true. Here God is making a simple yet profound promise based on one important detail. You can have peace in any event in life. There is no circumstance more powerful than God’s ability to grant you peace. Access hinges on your willingness to focus on God.
Peter, an apostle of Jesus, was able to literally walk on top of water because he trusted Jesus and focused his mind on Him. After walking a few steps Peter began to be distracted by the waves. This prompted him to lose focus on Jesus, thus he began to sink. If, like Peter, you start looking around at what is happening you will lose your peace and “sink”.
Recently, a large body of fellow ministers met to discuss some concerns and issues. Emotional overload, and a genuine lack of love was demonstrated by a few; resulting in a division of sorts. As news spread, the emotions of people within the church were charged causing more issues and problems. Some were deeply saddened, wondering what this would lead to.
At first I felt a heavy burden until I took it to the Lord in prayer. When praying for my fellow brethren, the Lord gently reminded me of where my focus needed to be. As I began to seek the Lord and not focus on the waves around me, I found a place of perfect peace. A peace that was so perfect that even my emotions were calmed. This has lasted only as long as I kept my mind on Jesus and His will for me. When I allow my mind to drift, thinking about what went wrong and how to fix it, my peace ebbs away and a feel myself sinking. Peace is restored when I refocus on the great I AM.
All of this reminds me of the old Capitol One credit card commercials where the hoard of armed criminals are charging forward, desiring to destroy some helpless woman. When she pulls out the Capitol One card its power stops the hoard in its tracks and she is safe. Then the question, “What’s in your wallet?” God is asking you, “What’s in your wallet?” Am I the focus of your life? If so, I will be your protection.
Friday, July 30, 2010
II Timothy 1:7
Fear is a natural emotion for all humans. It usually arises when your life is in danger and will cause you to do things you wouldn’t consider under normal circumstances. God knew the devil would press his children and make them think their life was in danger. His promise to you is, I have given you a spirit of power. Jesus calmed his disciples by saying, “Be not afraid. It is I.” God promises you the same in all that you face. His voice sweetly calls, “Fear not, for I am with you.”
Isn’t it comforting to know that you can retain your sanity in any circumstance? As a young child and teenager I had a problem with anger. I could be pushed to a certain point until I would snap. I would find myself in fits of uncontrolled rage. The thought of growing up with this caused me to be anxious. I was also afraid that I would not be able to control it. It is funny, but I could identify with the Incredible Hulk. The guilt he felt after he had created destruction was similar to how I felt when I finally came out of a fit of rage.
As a child of God I can stand on the promise of his power over feelings and emotions that once controlled me. I can have his spirit of power. Yea, even more I can have a spirit of Love. I can have love even for my enemies! I don’t have to worry about what I will face, how I will be mistreated, or how I will react. I have a calm assurance, a blessed assurance, that God’s power will sustain me.
Every person faces difficulties. How have you faced them? Did you have fear? Did you lack power? Have you felt like you lost your mind or ability to make rational decisions? There is a great source of power God has promised for you.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Psalms 103:12
I imagine you are like me in that you have had a few embarrassing moments which you never want to relive, nor think about. Just the sight of certain reminders, conjure up powerful emotions or possibly physical reactions such as sweaty palms, hot flashes, shaking, or many other things. What is even worse are the events of life that make us ashamed. The world is full of people who run from such personal events in their lives.
When you consider the goodness of God toward you it doesn’t take long to feel ashamed of anything you have done contrary to his will. God allows those feelings within so you might be compelled to ask his forgiveness. The devil desires to use those feelings to make you feel horribly depressed and ashamed, even to the point where you believe God won’t forgive you.
God promises you some relief. When you repent and ask God to forgive there is an action taken within the mind of God. The act that used to define you and was inseparable is now removed from God’s mind when he thinks of you. Just as the East can never touch the West, the sin you repent of is no longer associated with you. By your faith in God’s promise you no longer have to be fearful or nervous of reminders of what you have done wrong. Have you considered the worth of such a treasure where you can live your life without guilt or shame?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Romans 8:37
It is important to point out that a true Christian experience is one of dominance over powers that would oppose us in our service and obedience to God. As the enemy of our soul comes out to battle against us he will present himself as a mighty army capable of destroying me as well as those I love.
This reminds me of the story of David and Goliath. Goliath was a man of large physical stature, experienced in war, capable of destroying enemies, and intimidating with his speech. His skills caused the army of Israel to become fearful, defeated in their mind. Yet the little boy David, trusting God, slew the giant and cut off his head as a symbol of victory.
The familiar story teaches us faith in God is stronger than our enemy no matter how terrible he makes himself to appear. I am comforted to know David was more than a conqueror, he was a hero in all of Israel. As you face the devil and difficult circumstances in life you don’t have to lose. You don’t have to settle for just making it. You don’t even have to settle for being victorious. Just as the head of Goliath was a trophy and memorial to David, it is possible for you to collect “trophies” each time you defeat the devil. A closet full of trophies from past victories, breed confidence in God’s power and make for peaceful habitation that inspires faith in a God who hears and answers prayer.
How is your experience? Do you go from failure to failure? Maybe you hide out hoping not to be noticed? There is a real experience in this life where you can boldly face the day and its troubles, knowing you will be more than a conqueror.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
John 8:32
I want to begin by expressing the importance of the fact that the truth is singular, constant, and able to be comprehended. God not only preserves his truth, but he also makes it possible for you and I to know what that truth is. The truth is none other than Jesus Christ and the fullness of his gospel.
The word “know” as it is translated here means more than just a head knowledge, it implies a heartfelt realization and understanding. A head knowledge of Jesus is to realize I am a lost sinner worthy of an eternal hell where I am forever separated from God. A heart knowledge of Jesus is to accept his sacrifice for my sins, vow to live according to his purpose and turn away from sin altogether. Do you have a head or heart knowledge of Jesus?
The obvious aspect of this promise is freedom. Sad to say so many confuse the principle of freedom. In a country like America, land of the free, citizens have the ability to choose how their life will go. This is true within reason. Even today many Americans are not completely free. Millions live in financial debt while others are stuck at a job or career they don’t enjoy. I have heard it said, “They live quiet lives of desperation.” There are natural constraints of life that limit a person’s freedom.
In the spirit of man there is obedience to either God or the devil. Our natural tendencies are to follow the ways of the devil. The freedom that accompanies the truth is power over self and natural tendencies to sin. Jesus allows us to escape the bondage of the devil, thus we are “free.” In our freedom we have both the knowledge and ability to love God by our obedience here on earth. Without Jesus (the truth) there is no power to do what is pleasing to God.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Romans 8:28
This promise is one that is not realized without faith. In life we face many hardships and difficult circumstances and our human ways of thinking leave us to believe God has disappeared while we are being destroyed. It is possible for a child of God to be courageous during these times if they have faith to believe that God is in control.
A greater blessing stemming from this promise is an assurance that everything that happens in my life is for my benefit. This thought alone gives me a weapon to fight bitterness towards God for what bad things might come my way. Too often we are taught to look out for “Number 1” because everyone else is out to take advantage of us. What a contrast to know that God is continually looking out for our best interests, even while we sleep!
I personally have found this verse to provide power over the enemy when he brings thoughts to my mind about how God is “unfair.” You can search the entire Bible and never find that God promises “fair.” However, we can see God exceeds the idea of “fairness” as he promises to always work according to our benefit.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Isaiah 1:18
Here we have a promise from God to completely solve our problems associated with sin. When a person commits sin, they are causing a stain to appear on their spiritual man. I envision it this way, a freshly bathed child wearing their best clothes goes out to play in the mud. Any parent knows the child will return with at least one stain on the clothes. Depending on the severity of the stain, the garment may be completely useless and fit only for the trash.
God likens sin to having this effect on our spiritual man, yet he boldly proclaims both ability and willingness to fix the spirit of a man. I find it ironic that God encourages us to reason with this principle, “Let us reason together.” Have you ever tried to clean a white towel that had blood stains on it? Even the best of modern chemicals are not strong enough to completely remove such a stain. Some chemicals (soaps/cleaners) will take out most of the stain where it isn’t completely noticeable, but the integrity of the material is compromised (looks used rather than new).
When God cleans the garment he removes the stain while restoring the garment back to the purest of white. He is able to do this without compromising the integrity of the garment as well. How does your garment look (spiritual man)? God has a restoration for you that surpasses logic.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Titus 1:2
There a few things in this world I can’t stand; two of which are liars and thieves. There is something about these two that violate the inner part of a person. I especially abhor lying. It causes much damage, most of which is personal and long lasting.
Today we live in a society where a person’s word is meaningless. Lying in some cultures is considered a desirable business practice. The largest section in a phone book is full of people who make a living based on bold lies or deception. As is our human nature, we grow accustomed to what society deems appropriate and before long we expect it as a normal and acceptable behavior. 100 years ago a man could buy a house, car, or land on his word and a handshake. Today athletes negotiate million-dollar contracts only to hire a lawyer or agent to weasel their way out of the agreement. What is even worse is how they will spin a tale to earn your sympathies.
It is vastly important we do not grow so accustomed to this that we expect God to be that way as well. God never tells a lie. God makes no provision for a “white lie.” In fact, God considers a liar just as guilty as a murderer! What is encouraging to the soul is the promise that God will always tell you the truth. We can be sure as we trust himwith our life. We can rest ssured he will direct us to heaven to be with him. We can be encouraged to know the promises within his word will never be broken. Aren’t you gladGod doesn’t lie?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Psalms 23:4
As a little kid, did you ever walk outside in the dark, alone? I used to do this a lot as a kid. How well I remember the trees turning into creatures determined to gobble me up. Sometimes I would imagine dangerous people hiding, waiting for an opportunity, to “get me.” These are just a few of the “evils” my mind was able to imagine; all of which disturbed my state of mind. Strangely enough, I never felt scared when I walked these dark paths with my dad.
When a person is facing death there is a similar experience. There is something about the unknown that excites our worst imaginations. Did you know God understands? That is why He has promised you, in advance, that you will be able to walk that lonesome path without fear. Notice that He didn’t promise to remove death, its darkness, and all its unknowns, but He has promised that he would be with you. Just as my father walked dark paths with me as a kid, so too will God himself walk that path with you; providing you safety and security.
This whole promise hinges on one important condition. To whom do you belong? Shepherds used a rod/staff to count their sheep as they passed through the narrow door into the pen. Only sheep owned by the shepherd passed under his rod. These are the people who have asked Jesus to forgive their sins. These are the people God has promised to walk beside, even in the valley of death. Are you in the place where you can claim this promise?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Ephesians 4:1
Have you ever wondered what you are supposed to do with your life? Undoubtedly every person will be forced to wrestle with this question. Millions of people battle this same issue, even after deciding a career path. Often it is accompanied by anxiety, fear, and unrest.
Thousands have decided to change career paths because they have felt like their job gave them no sense of satisfaction. Hidden in this verse is a sweet confirmation for every person. God has given you a vocation, which is a calling. He has chosen and equipped you to do something important in this world.
Finding your vocation is not done by taking aptitude and personality surveys. The secret is to be willing to perform whatever work God calls you to. You will also need to remain flexible because He may call you to do more than one thing.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
James 1:5
Do you know the answer to every question in life? My guess is you have been stumped often over the course of your life. There are simple everyday events, which you struggle with to find the right decision for, but this promise is much more than that. This promise enables us to have peace with more pressing issues like, “What happens when I die? Where will I spend eternity? What is God pleased with? How do I truly love my enemies?” These are a few of many important issues.
When I was a kid I often got on people’s nerves because I always asked questions. I was an inquisitive kid who wanted to know how, why, and what if. There are many memories of various adults growing impatient with my incessant questioning. I especially enjoy the part of this promise where God will give “liberally” to all who ask. That tells me that God doesn’t grow impatient with my questions. He is well able to answer them and much more that I haven’t even thought about yet.
I have known people who will not ask questions because they were afraid of being ridiculed for their lack of knowledge. This is often the biggest cause for students to be silent in a classroom setting. They are afraid to admit what they do not know. Did you know that it is safe to admit to God you don’t know something? He won’t upbraid you even if he has told you the answer before!
Understand something very important. God has promised you wisdom in all that you will face in life. He has also promised not to “beat you up” because you did not know. Do you still have unanswered questions? You know where to find the answer. What are you waiting for? Go claim your promise.
Friday, June 11, 2010
II Corithnians 7:6
Have you ever had one of those days where the cold, wind, or rain sank into your bones and try as you may you just couldn’t get warm? It reminds me of the time I rode 10 miles home from school in the back of an El Camino. At first it seemed like a great idea with huge potential for excitement, but my hopes were dashed, soaked rather, by a torrential Arizona monsoon shower. My rain-soaked clothes further chilled the wind that battered my body. It was as if I stepped into a frozen wind tunnel designed to flash freeze my entire body.
When we got home I stiffly hobbled into the house to disrobe and put on some dry clothes. Within a few minutes I was huddled under my warmest blanket trying to defrost internal organs. I have never forgot how great it felt to regain feeling in my body, even better was the feeling of warmth. Life can be very cold at times. People and circumstances blow relentlessly upon our lives trying to freeze our mood, physical well-being, attitudes, and emotions. Do you have areas in your life that are trapped in a deep-freeze? God has promised comfort that surpasses a warm blanket on a cold day.
The word “com” literally means to join. When we “com”municate were are joining our mind’s ideas to another mind. When God promises to “com” fort, He desires to join Himself to you so that you can be protected in His fort. There is no threat that God can’t protect you from if you simply come to His fort.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Jeremiah 24:7
One secrete to a happy life is to be a person who is grateful for what you have. It is so easy to think “I earned this” or “I deserve that.” Society, especially American society, has a way of encouraging a sense of entitlement, which if left unchecked, can lead to an attitude towards God and his dealings with mankind.
Let’s just get this out in the open. You are not entitled to know who God is, nor understand and experience his blessings! To know God is his gift to you. Without his willingness to open your understanding there is no way you can comprehend him. Jesus stated it plainly when he said “ man cometh to the Father but by me.”
God created within you a heart that was capable of understanding him and his ways. This was done by his goodwill not because you deserved it. It is equally important to note that he may have given you the ability it is still your responsibility to exercise your will. If you find you lack understanding of who God is examine your will. God has given you the desire and means to experience him. Take time to understand that God has given you a heart, not just a mind, to know him. There is a vast difference between what a person believes in their mind verses their heart. Heart belief translates into resolute action.
Even greater, he has promised to be your God. I have the assurance that God will not reject me as I reach out to him. I do not have to be afraid of taking risks with him, because I know he is my God. This lets you know he knows who you are and what I face because I submit myself to be his property. As his property, you are under his watchful and loving care; He is your God!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Psalms 37:25
The wisest man ever to live, Soloman, recognized an unwritten promise of God. Beside all the many benefits associated with being a child of God, his children can also enjoy the piece of mind concerning their livelihood. Today we live in a time where our society is losing its dignity. The dependence on welfare or blatant panhandling employed by many in America is troubling. Just as despicable is the lack of loyalty and integrity of large corporations out to improve the bottom line.
Functioning in a society like this can easily cause one to feel apprehensive. Do you ever think, “What is the point? They will probably fire me next.” Are you ever worried that you might not have the ability to provide for yourself? No need to worry. God has promised you that the righteous will be taken care of. They can retain their dignity because they will not be forced to beg.
This promise also lets me know that I don’t have to step on others to create financial gain. I don’t have to worry about who is trying to step on me either. If I live a righteous and godly life, God will see to it that I am taken care of. It may come in a way I did not expect but it will happen.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I John 4:19
I can’t recall when it first started, but my mom and I started a game of how to express our love for each other. It starts with, “I love you.” Invariably one of us will respond with, “I love you more.” Then it really starts, “I loved you first. I love you longer. I love you…” Imagine God starring at you saying, “I loved you first.” Then consider the fact that he has been in existence before time began.
A simple understanding of the gospel story is more than enough evidence of God’s love. No matter how much you try to let him know you love him, he loved you first. He even loved you when you did not love him in return. The thought in this promise reminds me of the chorus of a song. “Such love can not be fathomed, tis like the boundless sea.” God has already made the first move. All you need to do is respond to his promise of love.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Hebrews 13:5
Never say never. Do you recognize that cliché? Have you ever experienced a time when you have been let down because somebody else failed to follow through? Maybe you can remember a boyfriend/girlfriend who promised to be with you always, never to leave you for another? Where are they today? It is no wonder we believe so strongly in this saying.
God said never! The difference here is that God is not a man. That means God is not capable of failing, thus he has the power to fulfill his statements when he says never. When he promises to never leave you, then he is always present. There are times when he appears to be very distant, but it is at those times you must have faith in his promise. Remember, God said never.
Do you ever feel alone? God is with you. Have you ever felt the heartache of close friends or loved ones bailing out on you when you needed them most? God said he would never forsake you. No matter what troubles you face. No matter how much you have hurt God. He promised never to leave nor forsake you. God is always there waiting to hear from you. When was the last time you let him know how much you appreciate his loyalty?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Rejoicement! Praise God Again!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Psalms 103:11
In another place we deal with the mercy of God, but here we want to focus on the expanse of his mercy. Have you ever laid on the ground at night and starred into the vast sky? How many stars could you count? Did you ever see which star is furthest away? The closest star Alpha Centuri, is so far away that if you took the largest telescope on earth and looked back towards earth you wouldn’t see it!
God likened his mercy to the sky or heavens. Today, science is still not able to comprehend the end of it. In like manner, you, or a biblical scholar, are not able to comprehend the depths of his mercy. Have you ever felt like you have done something so bad or so much that even God could not forgive you. All your sins could not begin to compare with the multitude of stars. For more glorious is the thought that God’s mercy is greater than the multitude of stars and the space that separates each of them.
The next time you start to feel guilty about your past or something you confessed to God, stop and look into the sky. Consider where it ends and you are on your way to understanding how much mercy God has for you. Don’t let the devil cheat you into thinking you have exhausted the mercy of God.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Psalms 84:11 (Promise #3)
How well I remember my fist real paycheck. I had worked two full weeks in hopes of proving my worth. I was so eager that I picked it up right after school, I forget but I may have even skipped my last class to get there sooner. My ideas of independent wealth were wiped away when I first realized legalized theft in the form of federal and state taxes along with social security, worker’s comp and whatever other excuse they used to withhold from my paycheck. I was furious and frustrated as only teenagers and fools can do so well. It was then I began to learn about “withholdings.”
We have seen this verse a couple of times and now we are ready to deal with the last portion. This is a conditional promise because it requires that you meet a condition to receive the promise. As we walk uprightly, God said he would not “withhold” any good thing from us. Do you want what is good for your life? Have you ever been so confused that you didn’t even know what was good? The answer is simple. Walk uprightly and God will deliver what is good for you. Even better, when God pays you there are no withholdings!
In 7th grade I remember a time when I disobeyed my father and invited friends over after school. When I saw him driving up I tried to get my friends out of the house before he found out. No such luck. I got them out, but not without my father seeing them. Needless to say I was grounded, but what stuck with me the most was the fact that I could not look my father in the eyes. Even my head and shoulders sank towards the ground. I was not able to stand upright because of the shame I felt for betraying a man I admire.
On the contrary, our life’s activities and thoughts should reflect a respect and admiration for God so that we may walk uprightly, without shame. Do you feel like you are lacking goodness in your life? Examine your life and see if it is something that God would be pleased with.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I want to take a moment and glorify God for His saving power. Yesterday a student of mine sent me a text that simply read, "I want to get saved." That made for the best Monday! Its not like you get these often you know.
I had opportunity to visit him and he prayed through. He said when we were praying together he felt something leaving his body; that it felt like wind. Praise God!!!! I want to rejoice with the angels in heaven.
Even better, is he really wants to be a child of God. He said, several times, that he wanted "to really live it. He didn't want to go back to his old ways and he didn't want to be like some "christians" who don't really do it."
Please join me in rejoicing and pray the Lord keep him.
Psams 84:11 (Promise # 2)
The next part of this promise refers to the fact that God himself grants to us his grace. I want to fuse two ideas here. 1st one definition of grace is to make attractive. Next in II Cor 12:9 we read where Jesus expounded on the meaning of grace, when he told the Apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” Have you ever been falsely accused, verbally attacked, or blatantly mistreated? What usually happens? Did you know that God can make you to be victorious over your human nature?
The grace God gives brings power that you can be kind in any circumstance. You can respond to people in such a way that you inspire them to feel ashamed for how they dealt with you. At the same time, you will be able to inspire others as they admire how you handled the situation. It really isn’t impossible, I am sure you can think of at least one person in your life who has demonstrated a truly gracious spirit in difficult circumstances.
Reading the book of Acts you learn how the grace of God allowed Paul and Silas to sing even though they had been beaten and imprisoned for doing good things. There is an aura of glory that follows this type of grace. Moses partook of it when he saw the backside of God, which resulted in his face literally glowing. We have the promise to be able to live a life where the glory of God lights our countenance making the way attractive. Have you availed yourself of the grace of God?
Friday, May 7, 2010
Jeremiah 1:5
Here we have to dig a little to get at this promise because this promise was made specifically to an individual. You have to understand that God is not a respecter of persons, so when He makes a promise to an individual there is a general principle that He promises to all. The general principle God is promising is that He formed you and knows you.
As a middle-aged kid my parents divorced, which resulted in my bouncing around schools from 6th – 12th grade. I specifically recall the worst experience during that time was when I finished the last 3 months of 8th grade at a new school. Under normal conditions this is a difficult age to develop new friendships, and being from a different state only compounded the difficulty. Growing up I always played team sports and during this 6-year period I used it as an opportunity to meet and establish friends. At this new school I showed up too late to join any teams.
For the first time in my life, I truly knew what it felt like to be lonely. I felt like no one knew who I was or cared to find out. Normally a social butterfly, I became the quiet nerd who sat in the classroom alone reading the textbook. I missed having people who knew what color I liked, what sports I could play, my middle name and without making fun of it, what I was thinking. I missed being known for who I was.
Have you ever felt alone; like no one really knows you? God does. In this verse He is promising that He knows you inside out, like any author knows the book they wrote. He is promising you that He made you, thereby obtaining perfect understanding of who you are. The next time you feel alone and like no one cares remember this promise.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Psalms 84:11
Wow! This one is packed with goodness from God. Imagine the thought of God being our own personal sun. In a natural sense the sun is the source of all life on earth, enabling the process of photosynthesis (where plants make food and oxygen) to happen. Can you see what a blessing it is to be able to live and function by the source of power and life that God gives. The way you can function is up to you.
Have you ever met someone who was not satisfied with their life? Like a broken down car that has a knock in the engine, they spit and sputter down life’s highway often left in the dust of nicer, well maintained cars. God wants you car to cruise down the highway of life. He is the sun; source of power, to make your car run smoothly.
You know what else the sun does, especially for people in the Pacific Northwest? It alters moods and emotions. Take a moment, close your eyes and imagine the perfect day. I doubt there are many people who imagined a dark or cloudy day, but rather it was a day that included the sunshine. God has the power to be your sunshine and he promised it if you will accept.
God also promised to be our shield. That means there is a balance. As God is our sun he is our shield, which means we won’t be dried up like the deserts of Arizona. His shield protects us from being scorched. His shield also protects us from harm and danger. This shield God offers can be used to fight against all forms of darkness and evil, even the devil himself.
Friday, April 30, 2010
John 8:11
How well I remember the times in my childhood when I got caught doing foolish things. Too often I would simply act without thinking only to regret it later. My parents were wise because they would make me go to my room and think about what I had done. It was during this time, guilt and frustration with myself began its work to bring me to a place of repentance.
As I got older I felt an overwhelming urge to explain why I had done something bad. It was if I was trying to appease a deep-seated emotion if I could somehow make sense out of my mistake. I imagine you are not much different than I am, so we are tempted to explain or justify our mistakes to God. Don’t bother. He is not interested in your excuse. He is interested in repentance, which is an expression of Love.
In the story preceding this verse we see a guilty woman forced to think about her shameful act. Like this woman, we all have been caught at one time or another. However, like this woman we too can claim Jesus’ promise of “neither do I condemn thee.” Jesus, knowing the contrition of her heart, simply said, “I forgive you.” Do you realize it is that easy?
The other half of the promise is that He will equip you to do better. When he said “go and sin no more” it implies that she now had the ability to perform that which He commanded. When you are forgiven you are freed to do better. Is there anything in your life that you know isn’t right with God? Do you wish you could do better? God is promising to forgive and empower you.